Looking for a modality that offers more?
 Raindrop Technique Session 


this is typically what my clients say they experience immediately after their session.

Yes, This investment is worth every penny!

Spots are limited, so book your session today.

Raindrop Technique is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that involves feather-light touches,
anointing with essential oils,
can be modified using tuning forks, body systems specific oils, or color lights.
Raindrop is an hybrid wellness spa like experience unique for each person!

What will you experience be?

Classic Raindrop
👉 Harmonizes and Balances Energies
👉 Helps promote Feelings of Security & Grounding
👉 Helps Support Healthy Joints & Muscles
👉 Helps Support Lymphatic Flow
👉 Helps Support Digestive Comfort
👉 Helps Support, Soothe & Balance Emotions
👉 Helps Support Feelings of Comfort, Calm & Relaxation
👉 Helps Support Feelings of Strength, Courage & Self Esteem
👉 Helps Support Feeling of Harmony, Physically, Emotionally and Mentally
👉 Helps Support Head Comfort & Ease
*results may vary from person to person

*Raindrop techniques is designed for use and ONLY
performed with Young Living high quality therapeutic grade essential oils

Call out the pain you just uncovered, reassure them you've got the solution. 
This is where you paint the picture of what life could be like...

  • Goal realized
  • Goal realized
  • Goal realized
  • Goal realized

All of this is now possible

Are you ready for the thing you really want (what your program offers)?

Relate with a pain point they have right now

That's why you need (this thing the program does)

Acknowledge they could figure this out on their own

Ask why they'd keep trying to do that when they could have a formula / a partner / have it done for them

I know you're overwhelmed, frustrated (call out their frustrations)

Let's get this problem solved

All you need to do is (what does your program require of them?)--it's as simple as that (include a nod to done-for-you if offering services)

Here's what you'll find inside (YOUR PROGRAM OR PRODUCT NAME)

Program Phase Name

(Dollar value of phase)

Call out the reason for the problem that this phase solves

Tell them it doesn't have to be that way

Tell them how this phase solves the problem

List what it includes
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do

Program Phase Name

(Dollar value of phase)

Call out the reason for the problem that this phase solves

Tell them it doesn't have to be that way

Tell them how this phase solves the problem

List what it includes
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do

Program Phase Name

(Dollar value of phase)

Call out the reason for the problem that this phase solves

Tell them it doesn't have to be that way

Tell them how this phase solves the problem

List what it includes
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do
  • what they'll get or do

You've never seen anything like this before

How we're different from other things they've seen / that are out there
What this will do for you
Why we know what we're talking about

These results are waiting for you...

Pay in Full

(how much does this save them?)

One payment of (list price of your program)

One payment of: today's price of your program

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

Buy Now

Payment Plan 1

X payments of (list price of your program divided by X)

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

Buy Now

 Payment Plan 2 

 X payments of (list price of your program divided by X) 

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

  Buy Now  

Got questions before you get started?

We've got answers!

Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
What'll happen after they purchase
Once you join you'll get:
👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

You will walk away with...
How will they feel when they're done with your program?
👉 Feeling 1
👉 Feeling 2

And you will have 

👉 Outcome
👉 Outcome
👉 Outcome

This is what's waiting for you!

Let's get you out of (where you are) and into where you want to be
Call out the DIY objection in their mind right now

You can either
Keep doing what they've been doing, feeling what they've been feeling

Finally make a commitment and get this thing done. Call out a purchase objection here
It's your choice...
Quick take on the program, how it'll make them feel once they get the benefit from it, so they can get the big benefit they ultimately want

I've got your back

Add satisfaction or money back guarantee info here, refund policies, etc. Reassure them you are committed to their success.

This is for you if...

  • desired currency
  • desired currency
  • desired outcome
  • desired outcome
  • READY to get/do/be/have those things

This is NOT for you if...

  • ready/able to commit to time, work etc
  • looking for a silver bullet
  • not coachable
  • not willing to learn
  • etc

Client testimonial about something you've helped them do, get or achieve that this program also offers

Pay in Full

(how much does this save them?)

One payment of (list price of your program)

One payment of: today's price of your program

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

Buy Now

Payment Plan 1

X payments of (list price of your program divided by X)

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

Buy Now

Payment Plan 2

X payments of (list price of your program divided by X)

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

👉 Phases 1-?
👉 Live calls? Replays?
👉 Support? Community
👉 Lifetime Access?
👉 Bonuses

Buy Now

Final call
if you don't do this now, you....

What's the cost of not solving the problem right now? 

If you could have done this on your own, you wouldn't be here.

How much. more time do you want to let pass before XYZ are realized? 

Copyright Tammy Hawskworth