Discover Raindrop Technique
for your Spa~Like experience! 

A sequential application of specific Young Living Essential Oils
 which may

~Harmonize & Balance Energies
~Help promote feelings of Security and Grounding
~Help support healthy Joints and Muscles  
~Help support Lymphatic flow
~Help support Digestive comfort
~Help support, soothe and balance emotions 
~Help support feelings of strength, courage and self-esteem
~Help feelings of Comfort, Calm & Relaxation
~Help in feeling ease 
~Help in feelings of Head Comfort and Ease 
~Help in feelings Self Image, Confidence, and Courage
~Help in feeling Harmonized Physically, Mentally and Emotionally 
*results may vary from person to person

*Raindrop techniques is designed for use and ONLY
performed with Young Living high quality therapeutic grade essential oils

*If you are ready to book your session and have your own oils for the technique then select "I Have Required Oils" 
*If you prefer to book for Vita Flex session, choose Vita Flex option.

Please allow 1 1/2 -2 hours for your session
Dress comfortable in loose clothing

Remove jewelry prior to session
Recommended for nail polish also to be removed prior to session
Studies show Drinking only water pre and post session can help flush toxins
let go during your session

If you are attending a Raindrop session, I will be accessing the skin on the following locations:
  • Bottom and top of the feet
  • Base of the skull
  • Neck
  • Back 
  • Shoulders

I do have kimono wrap for you to change into or some choose to remove their shirt entirely and lay on the table. The choice is yours.
Before your session, I invite you in avoiding caffeine and sugary/processed foods.

Another great way for Activating Your Sense~Abilities!
as interviewed on... also know as ALL THINGS RAINDROP!
At time of my certification, I am sole Certified facilitator in Nova Scotia
1 of 5 Certified Facilitators in all of Canada!
(and it has been around since 1989)

Together ~ Let's bring this technique into forefront as
a well know modality!

More on benefits of Raindrop Technique!

MAY promote Improved Circulation

Through use of specific essential oils and effleurage techniques, blood vessels may dilate and may increase blood flow, which in turn may cause an increase in circulation for nourishing cells. This may improve cerebral blood flow, decrease your cortisol levels and may also increases functionality of your digestive system. You may also notice your heart rate improves. 

may PROMote EMotional Healing

"Negative" e-motions may be transformed and may be easily let go. Many studies show traumatic, stressful and harmful situations which were not resolved in our past may be stored in various areas of our body and may be accessed through your amygdala(emotional side) and hippocampus(memory side) parts of your limbic system of your brain through activation of our sense of smell. Emotions remain in your subconscious as unresolved mental, physical, spiritual and/or emotional traumas, which can result in "triggers" points in your life situations. Therapeutic grade essential oils have shown capacity for "unlocking" your buried/hidden stressors/triggers, allowing conscious processing, recognizing, expressing and transformation of them. 
This may also happen during OR after your Raindrop Technique session.

May PROMOTE RElaxation

Your Raindrop Technique mimics massage, and may result in your calm effect. Raindrop's gentle, tender approach of touch is calming and also invites sensations for reassurance and safety. Oils used in your raindrop technique are known for their calming properties, and when paired with light effleurage of your Raindrop, has pleasing and relaxing results. Light touch also is known for improving lymphatic and circulation benefits. Certain oils may promote similar results as well.

May improve immune support

Your Raindrop Technique may reduces your cortisol levels and increases your dopamine levels. Resulting in your ability for relaxing your mind. When your mind is relaxed you may also find you have more energy and more positive feelings. When we are in our relaxed state of being, our immune system may also function better, which may lead to your improved health and wellness.

MAY improve spinal alignment

Increasing research is showing some particular organisms can lodge in spinal ganglia(EODR pg 299), which  may contribute in deformities(see EODR) or inflammation(EODR). Clients may also report an increase in stature and your height is typically measured before and after your session, by your facilitator. (I personally have experienced an increase of 1/2" and my husband has increased almost an inch and his has remained.)
The Essential Oil Desk Reference, 8th edition says some medical professionals in the US have added Raindrop into their clinical practice and have found outstanding support for various back and spinal concerns (see page 299EODR)
" I have had scoliosis since I was eleven years old. when I grew five inches in three months. It really did not start creating any 
problem until it reached a 55degree curve at about 42 years of age. I was in constant pain in my back and it was pulling my 
right knee inwards causing it a great deal of pain. It also took the natural curve out out of my neck. This all started in my mid-
thirties. I am now 47.
   A year -and-a-half agoa naturopathic doctor friend of mine introduced me to the Raindrop technique. After four treatments
done within one month I was out of pain and two inches taller. My curve is back down to 42 degrees. The oils have become 
a way of life for my family and  me. I will continue the Raindrops for myself and my family because it works."
                                                                  -Scoliosis Success in Indiana < A statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique>
                                                                                                                                   by David Stewart, PhD

A Fun side note: many client experience an increase in height. Yes you get taller! Well, it seems that way. Over time with gravity and other things we often lose height. With this technique, muscles relax and spinal compaction can let go therefore causing you to restore towards your original height.

Potential for Decreased Pain

Combining effleurage(Raindrop), essential oils and Vitaflexing (a form of Reflexology), your Raindrop Technique may help decrease muscle, bone and joint discomfort, may improve back movement, may increase serotonin levels and may reduce muscle soreness and swelling.
Some oils used are specifically for reducing muscle spasms, and promoting muscle function, bone comfort and joint comfort. are:
  • Wintergreen- composed of 80-90% methyl salicylate.
  • Thyme- absorbs certain free radicals.
  • Peppermint- contains menthol as its primary chemical constituent and enhances the oils used before it.

Variations available!
Chromatic Raindrop Variation

Color also known as, light therapy, consists of shining specific frequencies/ colors of light on the body for bringing about wellness/balance.  An incandescent(full spectrum) lamp/light is aimed on specific areas of skin and used in a darkened room with no direct sunlight coming in.  Our body's healthy frequency is about 62-68 MHz and responds well to light which affects its physiology.  

For instance, think how sunshine affects you compared to a cloudy day.  Professionals use infrared light with newborn babies when needed to stimulate the liver and for reducing pain and inflammation.  

For wellness purposes, specific color frequencies must be used.  There are 12 colors used for bringing a body back into balance.  This therapy has been helpful in, used for centuries and dates back to Egyptian pyramids, reducing fever, stabilizing blood pressure, stimulating organs, detoxification, infections, wounds, pain, burns, relaxation, and more

Used in Raindrop the technique results are amplified. 
Are you ready to experience  your Chromatic Raindrop?

Vibrational Raindrop Variation

Sounds for wellness are documented in various ancient cultures, again also dating back to Egyptian pyramids. Sound was how God brought things into creation. "God SAID..." and "then there was >>>"

Sound can alter your mood. Notice how you feel when certain songs come on, or how a movie scene with intense music can bring your emotions front and center.

Used in Raindrop is another way to amplify the benefits of the technique. My clients who have experienced both classic Raindrop and Vibrational Raindrop, always say they prefer Vibrational Raindrop.

A collection of forks with various frequencies are used and many have gem tips added for the benefits of the added crystals.

You are having a truly unique experience when having your Vibrational Raindrop session.

Book your today and see what everyone is talking about!

* May be customize even further with forks and oils for specific body systems
  • Brain
  • Bones & Joint
  • Colon & Digestion
  • Heart & Circulation
  • Hormone Balance ~Female
  • Hormone Balance ~Male
  • Liver
  • Longevity
  • Lung
Check out what people are saying ...
Results & experience may vary from person to person

Post Session Euphoria!

"I Fell Asleep"

Foot Vita Flex Technique

Vita Flex:
Term coined by Stanley Burroughs from
" Vitality through the Reflexes"

What is Feathering? 
A feather~like sweeping stroke 
with alternating hands


"For many months, if not years, I had been waking up between 3-5 am on a regular basis and it was difficult for me to fall back asleep. After doing some research, I discovered that when someone wakes up around that time it means that they need to support their lungs. So I asked Tammy if she could concentrate on supporting my lungs during my Vibrational Raindrop. I loved the vibration of the tuning forks throughout my body during the session! To my delight, I didn’t wake up at night for almost 3 weeks after my Vibrational Raindrop! I wish Tammy lived closer to me so I could get a session every 3-4 weeks!"
                                     Isabelle jean

Looking for a more spiritual experience?

Discover Raindrop with Oils mentioned throughout
scripture for your unique and enlightening
experience with Oils, Prayer, and Anointing

Learn More!


Check OUT these Spaces!
So inviting and relaxing.

Interesting Facts
Things you may not know about frequency and the human body

Dr. Hans Jenny made the discovery that each organ of our body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by our human ear, yet measurable nonetheless.

Dr. Peter Manners, assisted with Dr Hans Jenny's discovery and noted that diseased organs stopped emitting their specific key note. However, he discovered that once our diseased organ’s key note was aimed at it(our organ), our organ was restored to health through resonance with our healthy frequency.

Jonathan Goldmanmusician and respected sound healer, states:  Frequency + Intention = Healing. (example:Tuning Fork + Essential Oils = Health Restored)

Bruce Tainio from Washington has studied frequencies of people in various states of health, various foods, herbs, and some essential oils. 
He discovered :
1. that boxed and canned foods have NONE/Zero MHz of energy to offer us, 
2. that essential oils can amplify the energetic desire and intention for healing, and also raise our healthy frequency required for healing, 
3. that our thoughts can increase or decrease our frequency in our bodies and prayer increases our frequency by 15 MHz.

Dr. Royal Rifediscovered that each organ of our body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by our human ear, but measurable nonetheless.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist discovered molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Even filthy polluted water could be affected for good 

Veda Austindiscovered and has demonstrated how water responds to our thoughts and intentions in ways we previously thought of as unimaginable and she believes water is fluid intelligence. *This is important as our bodies are mostly made up of water.

Most importantly, our Word of God shows our power of our spoken Word by God our Creator for all life. 

And God said, “Let there be light; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) Sound came before light, the firmament, earth and water, vegetation, sun/moon/stars, fish and flight animals, all other living creatures including man… And God said, “” Gen. 1:6, Gen. 1:9, Gen. 1:11, Gen. 1:14, Gen. 1:20, Gen. 1:24, Gen.1:29. And God blessed them saying, “…” Gen. 1:22, Gen. 1:28. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Words come from sound, and Sound/The Word was at the beginning of all time. (The Holy Bible)

Vibrational Pointer Technique
Discover how using a tuning fork with 
an auricular tip, 
on specific spinal points, 
supports and "jumpstarts"
your body's 
neuro pathways system.

Experience your
session today!

Classic Raindrop!

D. Gary Young
Facilitating Raindrop
Created in 1989

Now offering ...Neuro
Endocrine Center Balancing...aka...
Energy Tune Ups
We have 7 main energy centers in our body, each is
connected to our main glands in our endocrine 
system. If there are blockages here, our body cannot function 
with ease and hormone imbalances can occur.
Many chemicals in our environment are know endocrine disruptors. If you are exposed to these, chances are you require your Energy TUNE UP!

Using  vibrational benefits from tuning forks
can help break up those blockages and help 
restore functioning in gentle and
effective ways.

Experience your
session now and get back "In Tune"!

Book My Session Now!

Frequency Enhancers
Color Lights

Tuning Forks

Essential Oils

There are a few instances where this technique is not recommended
or requires caution.
* Please READ Carefully before booking

See following list for cautionary areas:
  • Drug or alcohol intoxication
  • Pacemaker
  • Seizure disorder(s)
  • Bleeding Disorders or use of blood thinners
  • Infections
  • Removal of hearing aides during session

  • Open Wounds
  • Skin Disorders
  • Organ Transplant (avoid completely-your body is already working hard to support a foreign item.)
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to Metal(for vibrational)
Detoxification is a real everyday thing . Each person's experience may differ, some may do it with emotions, some feel a physical release, and some see it on the skin. Some also feel it as a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace. However you experience it, please recognize, celebrate and enjoy your process.
Immediately after your session, I will invite you in drinking a glass of water. This is because studies show water will help the body's natural detoxification process. Water is your friend in your process.

Some Possible After Technique Detox Effects
Our LIVER, KIDNEYS and COLON are how we typically detox daily. 
Urine, sweat, tears, and mucus are other possible ways. 
However if they are 
overburdened our body will use our skin. 

As a result you may experience one or more of the following:

Increased/Decreased energy
Emotional let go (anger, sad, fear, happy)
Temporary skin redness/warmth/itching

Bowel movements
Possible rash from toxin removal (often mistaken for allergic response)
or other short term effects

Suggestions for support post session
 If you have after experience results, possible option for trying may include:

Take naps
Drink more water (for support in flushing toxins and hydration)
Application of carrier oil(for redness/heat)
Epsom Salt bath

Trust what your body is telling. For example,  If you feel sleepy , rest.

*If oils get in eyes, use carrier oil to flush NOT water