Energetic Clearing Services
Frequency + Intention = Miracles
Confused which service will best support you?

Take the Quiz here to find out!
Yes Help me Choose By Taking The Quiz!

Individual Services
Available In Person & Many Virtually

Click image for more information or for booking your service!
Classic Raindrop
Harmonic Raindrop
Chromatic Raindrop
Energy TUNE UP
$50 +
Vita Flex
*Full Session $75
Chromatic Area Specific
(Color Light)

*Optional Group 
Session Available
Itovi Scan
*Free for My YL Team 
Members Quarterly
*YL Members $15
Harmonic Spot Session
(Tuning Forks)
Combo Session-
Combine any two:
Color Light, Tuning Forks or Vita Flex
$25 +
VitaFlex ~ Area Specific

Guest Speaker~
Book a Call
to discuss & see if we are if fit!

Health & Wellness Session~
Intuitively led session

(Vibrational Pointer Technique)
Receive your
"Jump Start"

Still unsure what service will support you?
Book a call and we can create a wellness plan together.

Combination Services
Vitaflex & Raindrop

Combining services creates your unique custom experience.
You can choose your combo, or after our brief discussion I will intuitively select two (or more) services for you and your wellness, based on your desired outcome.
Intuitively Led Session
Pricing based upon 
modalities utilized