Energetic Clearing Services
Frequency + Intention = Miracles

Individual Services
Available In Person & Many Virtually

In Person: 724 King Street, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Virtually: Typically done Via Zoom call, 
may also be done via phone call, FB messenger call 

Click image for more information or for booking your service!
Classic Raindrop
Harmonic Raindrop
Chromatic Raindrop
Energy TUNE UP
$50 +
Vita Flex
*Full Session $75
Chromatic Area Specific
(Color Light)

*Optional Group 
Session Available
Itovi Scan
*Free for My YL Team 
Members Quarterly
*YL Members $15
Harmonic Spot Session
(Tuning Forks)
Combo Session-
Combine any two:
Color Light, Tuning Forks or Vita Flex
$25 +
VitaFlex ~ Area Specific

Guest Speaker~
Book a Call
to discuss & see if we are if fit!

Health & Wellness Session~
Intuitively led session

(Vibrational Pointer Technique)
Receive your
"Jump Start"

Confused which service will best support you?

Take the "Quiz" here to find out!
Yes Help me Choose By Taking The Quiz!
Natural Modalities rarely Create Instant Results
Use this guideline for determining roughly how long you may require modality support
*Please note this is just a general guideline, as individual results may vary from person to person.
If you had for years....

If you had for months....

Then consider about 1 month for each year, with weekly or bi/weekly sessions. Possibly longer with monthly or bi/monthly sessions.

Then consider 1 week for every month. with 1 to several sessions/week to 1/week depending on situation. Again monthly sessions may take longer.

This is just a guide post, not set in stone. Each person is unique as
is each situation.

Generally, the more recent the situation, the quicker the results.
Combination Services
Vitaflex & Raindrop

Combining services creates your unique custom experience.
You can choose your combo, or after our brief discussion I will intuitively select two (or more) services for you and your wellness, based on your desired outcome.
Intuitively Led Session
Pricing based upon 
modalities utilized

Still unsure what service will support you?
Book a FREE call and we can create your wellness plan together.