Congrats and Welcome!

You made a great Choice!
You chose to STOP (or decrease) watching TELL-A-VISION devices
Discover how activating your imagination
and your senses,
can help bring your goals into reality!

Welcome to this beginner instructional training on how to activate 
our powerful visual sense-ability

Download your Vision Boarding
PlayBook here!

BONUS! Download your Daily
Routine file here!

Session 1
Creating your Vision Board
and Picking Your First Goal

Session 2
Understanding How to Use Your Vision Board 

Session 3
Overcoming Challenges with Vision Boarding 

Here is your BONUSES!!!
Aroma Reset for Vision Boarding 

Save as copy, first then fill in and print as desired. I like to fill my checks in, print and then take
a picture of me with my checks.

Join my Support Facebook Group
You will find added tips for leveling up your vision board.
*See how to overcome challenges
*Ways to amplify your results
*How to make this fun and easy

Find support and ask questions.
I got you covered!
Are you looking for your Mentor for Reaching your Goals?
Personal ONE on ONE mentoring with me can help
*I can see what is in your way, and help you know
what tools to use in overcoming your walls
* I can hear word patterns being used
and indicate and area for your strength returning
and help with word upgrades
*I can see body responses showing your hold back
and help you clear and restore your blessing
simply waiting for your acceptance

Invest in your success today!

YOU         +         MENTOR         =         SUCCESS!

*Please note this is an edited version of a pre-recorded-3 session
live webinar which took place in June 2020.
All the valuable content remains. Edits were of family interruptions and technology issues.
I have a special needs family and choose not to let 
those challenges prevent me
from sharing my valuable information with all of you!