Illuminate your Wellness with 
Chromatics (Color Light) technique ~ Area Specific
for improving your Vitality! 

Light is more than just what we see—it carries energy and healing frequencies that can transform how you feel, think, and move through life. Color Light Therapy works by applying specific colors to areas on your  body, stimulating natural healing and restoring balance.
Each color holds a unique frequency, targeting specific physical, emotional, and energetic blockages to bring you back into harmony.

*results may vary from person to person

The human body has more VitalFlex(reflex like points) points than points in other 
modalities, having 5000! You can basically VitaFlex or TUNE any area of your body!
For instance acupuncture has typically 365 points taught
reflexology has 1800!

Applying color light to reflex points
acts similar to acupuncture without
breaking your skin barrier
*May be a great alternative for those afraid of needles
** When combined with other modalities ( like acupuncture), can enhance benefits duration for results.

Check out these results and what people are saying ...
*Results & experience may vary from person to person!

Reduced Healing Time

Chromatic Sessions Before & After

Shared with Permission

<------- Case Study
Client experienced a second degree burn from hot liquid mixed with a mild chemical.

Client received daily light sessions, many in person, some virtual for just two weeks and blistering is completely gone, comfort has been restored.

* Please note: Typical outcomes from 2nd degree burns with blistering is scarring and skin discoloration.

Client chose to discontinue with sessions after 2 weeks since comfort has been restored and skin is almost back to normal with only mild redness.

* 2 months post stopping sessions, client still has little mild redness.

Tonations began with Turquoise, then moved into Blue, then moved into green

Custom Ointment was also applied to help keep area moist using Castor oil, coconut oil, vitamin e, Frankincense Essential Oil and Lavender essential oil.

* Client also used some traditional burn treatments in combination

Check out my clients'
Before and After here.

Case Study:

Client had a tic embedded in his skin. Tic was removed. Purification Essential Oil was applied.
The next morning visible reduction in inflammation was noted. Green color light was applied, Client also took a homeopathic. 

 Shared with permission

Some Examples of CHROMATICS
What Blocks Look Like & What Balance Looks Like 
Signs of Blockage:
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Sluggishness
  • Feel uninspired
  • Stuck in survival mode
  • Poor circulation
  • Cold hands/feet

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Boost in vitality
  • Improved energy
  • Improved circulation
  • Motivation increase
  • Confidence
  • Able to "take action" energy

Signs of Blockages:

  • Feel emotionally numb
  • Creative blocks
  • Low libido
  • Difficult connecting with JOY
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Low back tension

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Awakened creativity
  • Improved sensuality
  • Improved emotional flow
  • Increased inspiration
  • Connection to life
  • Builds lung strength
Signs of Blockage:
  • Self-doubt
  • Indecisiveness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Digestive issues
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Overthinking
  • Mental fog

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Strengthens personal power
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved focus
  • Confidence
Signs of Blockages:

  • Emotional wounds
  • Sadness
  • Feels closed off
  • Struggles with self love
  • Relationship challenges
  • Chest tightness
  • Shallow breathing

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Opens heart energy
  • Soothes emotions
  • Invites Inner peace
  • Helps feel love & harmony
Signs of Blockage:
  • Throat & Jaw issues
  • Challenges expressing oneself
  • Anxious feelings
  • Stress or restlessness
  • Sleeping challenges
  • Feeling disconnected from truth

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Relaxed nervous system
  • Enhanced communication
  • Improved and restful sleep
  • Deep sense of calm
  • Sense of Clarity
Signs of Blockages:

  • Feel disconnected from divine purpose
  • Lack of inner wisdom
  • Lack of inspiration
  • Spiritual fog
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Head tension

What Restored Balance Looks Like:

  • Stimulates intuition
  • Deepens spiritual connection
  • Brings clarity
  • Supports enlightenment
Ready to shed some light on your situation?

More on interesting facts of Chromatics Technique

Things you may not know about frequency and the human body

Dr. Hans Jenny made the discovery that each organ of our body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by our human ear, yet measurable nonetheless.

Dr. Peter Manners, assisted with Dr Hans Jenny's discovery and noted that diseased organs stopped emitting their specific key note. However, he discovered that once our diseased organ’s key note was aimed at it(our organ), our organ was restored to health through resonance with our healthy frequency.

Jonathan Goldman, musician and respected sound healer, states:  Frequency + Intention = Healing. (example:Tuning Fork + Essential Oils = Health Restored)

Bruce Tainio from Washington has studied frequencies of people in various states of health, various foods, herbs, and some essential oils. 
He discovered :
1. that boxed and canned foods have NONE/Zero MHz of energy to offer us, 
2. that essential oils can amplify the energetic desire and intention for healing, and also raise our healthy frequency required for healing, 
3. that our thoughts can increase or decrease our frequency in our bodies and prayer increases our frequency by 15 MHz.

Dr. Royal Rife, discovered that each organ of our body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by our human ear, but measurable nonetheless.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist discovered molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Even filthy polluted water could be affected for good 

Veda Austin, discovered and has demonstrated how water responds to our thoughts and intentions in ways we previously thought of as unimaginable and she believes water is fluid intelligence. *This is important as our bodies are mostly made up of water.

Most importantly, our Word of God shows our power of our spoken Word by God our Creator for all life. 

And God said, “Let there be light; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) Sound came before light, the firmament, earth and water, vegetation, sun/moon/stars, fish and flight animals, all other living creatures including man… And God said, “…” Gen. 1:6, Gen. 1:9, Gen. 1:11, Gen. 1:14, Gen. 1:20, Gen. 1:24, Gen.1:29. And God blessed them saying, “…” Gen. 1:22, Gen. 1:28. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Words come from sound, and Sound/The Word was at the beginning of all time. (The Holy Bible)
 Your session may be using a lamp directed at the specific area, or further out from you in your energetic field.
 Or may be done using a hand held penlight.
 Or virtually using an image representation for your session.

Chromatics can be used during Raindrop or for vitaflex as well.


"For many months, if not years, I had been waking up between 3-5 am on a regular basis and it was difficult for me to fall back asleep. After doing some research, I discovered that when someone wakes up around that time it means that they need to support their lungs. So I asked Tammy if she could concentrate on supporting my lungs during my Vibrational Raindrop. I loved the vibration of the tuning forks throughout my body during the session! To my delight, I didn’t wake up at night for almost 3 weeks after my Vibrational Raindrop! I wish Tammy lived closer to me so I could get a session every 3-4 weeks!"
                                     Isabelle jean

There are a few instances where this technique is not recommended
or requires caution.
* Please READ Carefully before booking

See following list for cautionary areas:
*If you have one or more of these areas for concern, 
please check with your medical professional first, 
before booking your session.
  • Drug or alcohol intoxication
  • Pacemaker
  • Seizure disorder(s)
  • Bleeding Disorders or use of blood thinners
  • Organ Transplant (avoid completely-your body is already working hard to support a foreign item.)
About Chromatics sessions...

Chromatics Technique ~Area Specific may include of the following areas:
*For a second area, please book a double session

or any other number of areas!

Yes, I am ready for my session!

Possible benefits from Chromatics are:

~Help support spinal alignment
~Help restore comfort  
~Help support Lymphatic flow
~Help support clearing of your sinuses 
~Help support your head & brain
~Help support your heart and circulation 
~Help support relaxation 
*results may vary from person to person

If you are attending a Chromatics session, I will be accessing your auric/bioenergetic field from about 3-4 feet distance or using an image representation or possibly next to area of concern, depending on area of concern and my intuitive direction:

  • any area depending on your body area for concern and support

                                             In most cases, you will remain fully clothed.  I have kimono wrap for you to change into for upper body access.
Before your session, I invite you in avoiding caffeine and sugary/processed foods.

More Techniques Available for your Discovery!

Vibrational Pointer Technique
Discover how using a tuning fork with 
an auricular tip, 
on specific spinal points, 
supports and "jumpstarts"
your body's 
neuro pathways system.
Bring sympathetic and parasympathetic 
nervous system into harmony

Raindrop in a whole new way, color light 
has been used therapeutically for centuries, dating 
back to Egyptian times.
Infrared is commonly used
for deep tissue healing and pain relief
(hubby has used this therapy with great 
results for his chronic pain)
I have use OTT lights (full spectrum) for
helping with my SADS. 

Now you can upgrade with color lights 
during your raindrop,
for no additional charge!

So excited in sharing
 this new technique for you!

My dad saw his foot Dr today. He has new skin over his wound!!!! NEW skin! I'm speechless. He sent me a pic from last thur, and from today. When I used lights on him, it was over his bandage as the Dr wanted it covered in between appointments. The difference in the pics is just amazing!!!! 💗🤩 I'm about to cry, thinking of how these classes and tools have benefited him already. 


Now offering ...Neuro
Endocrine Center Balancing...aka...
Energy Tune Ups
We have 7 main energy centers in our body, each is
connected to our main glands in our endocrine 
system. If there are blockages here, our body cannot function 
with ease and hormone imbalances can occur.
Many chemicals in our environment are know endocrine disruptors. If you are exposed to these, chances are you require your Energy TUNE UP!

Using  vibrational benefits from tuning forks
can help break up those blockages and help 
restore functioning in gentle and
effective ways.

Experience your
session now and get back "In Tune"!

Book My Session Now!

Frequently Asked Questions
Color light may be new to you and here are some common questions
and answers
Don't see an answer you are looking for, reach out and ask.

How many sessions will I require?
Each situation is unique. Often several sessions are required. The longer you have had the condition/situation, the more sessions you may require.

For example:
allow 1 month of sessions for every year you have had a condition
allow 1 week for every month you have had a condition
allow 1 day for every week you have had a condition

*This is just a guide for timelines
Do I have to undress for color sessions?
You can remain fully dressed. Color light works best in your auric/bioenergetic field at 3 or more feet from your body.
How does virtual sessions work?
Think of it as similar to your cell phone, how can you see your friend or family member when they aren't right next to you and there are no wires attached for the image to transfer.
This is the easiest way to explain it without going into deep science.
How are virtual sessions done?
When doing a virtual session, I can use an image you send me or one I have on hand to represent you. I then set up my color light directed at the image with my intention that the color is for supporting you. I typically let you know when I am doing your session. 

This plays out great for many reasons. 1. You can still be doing other things, 2 Save you time and missed work, no travel time, no gas expense, possible no childcare expense. 3. You still get all the benefits, as if you were in person.

This was a tuning fork only session
for 10 minutes
First Picture is before
Second is after 10 minutes
Third is next day, midday

Additional Frequency Enhancers
Color Lights

Tuning Forks

Essential Oils

Detoxification is a real everyday thing . Each person's experience may differ, some may do it with emotions, some feel a physical release, and some see it on the skin. Some also feel it as a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace. However you experience it, please recognize, celebrate and enjoy your process.
Immediately after your session, I will invite you in drinking a glass of water. This is because studies show water will help the body's natural detoxification process. Water is your friend in your process.

Some Possible After Technique Detox Effects
Our LIVER, KIDNEYS and COLON are how we typically detox daily. 
Urine, sweat, tears, and mucus are other possible ways. 
However if they are 
overburdened our body will use our skin. 

As a result you may experience one or more of the following:

Increased/Decreased energy
Emotional let go (anger, sad, fear, happy)
Temporary skin redness/warmth/itching

Bowel movements
Possible rash from toxin removal (often mistaken for allergic response)
or other short term effects

Suggestions for support post session
 If you have after experience results, possible option for trying may include:

Take naps
Drink more water (for support in flushing toxins and hydration)
Application of carrier oil(for redness/heat)
Epsom Salt bath

Trust what your body is telling. For example,  If you feel sleepy , rest.

*If oils get in eyes, use carrier oil to flush NOT water