Informed Consent Form
Please read entire document, then click below to sign digitally.

I understand Tammy Hawksworth is certified as a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach (LSHC) and has gained her qualifications to assist and help me surrender to my Higher Power and accept my own self realized, Divine healing on every level of my being. I also understand Tammy Hawksworth is trained in Neuro Endocrine Center Balancing and is qualified in performing all services contained within this scope of practices for her license. I understand Tammy Hawksworth uses Neuro Endocrine Center Balancing to help me relax, detoxify my body from unintentional pollutants I may have eaten, drank, absorbed or inhaled, and to enhance my quality of life. . I also understand that Tammy Hawksworth will support me in trusting my own intuitive insights, regarding my own self healing journey. I understand Neuro Endocrine Center Balancing is non-secular in art form and science and may include an application of essential oils. I understand using essential oils may help me improve my quality of life. I also understand human response for essential oils may vary considerably and are not predictable because of unique chemistry, make up and intent of each individual. I understand all healing modalities may cause some minor discomfort, and some minor to adverse side effects may occur through no fault of my own or Tammy Hawksworth’s. I understand my health is my responsibility. I will advise Tammy Hawksworth of anything I deem required in helping us work together and better achieve my healing result I seek of myself. I understand my identity and my information about me, whether I share with Tammy Hawksworth or she discovers on her own, will be held in strict confidence, except when released by me in writing or as required by law. Any illegal actions or activities made known to me are required to be shared with the appropriate authorities by law. I understand Tammy Hawksworth will not intentionally or unintentionally suggest any diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any disease, disorder, or condition I may have. I also understand natural therapies offered by Tammy Hawksworth are not substitutions for adequate medical care. I intend in remaining under any current care of my primary care physician or other specialists or will seek them out as I deem necessary for my own medical concerns and or conditions. I also understand if I have or think I have a medical concern, physical, psychological or emotional, Tammy Hawksworth will help me reduce any related stress and refer me to an appropriate professional. I acknowledge I have read and understand my application and consent form. Tammy Hawksworth has answered all of my questions. I agree in allowing Tammy Hawksworth's helping me learn methods for healing myself using natural healing techniques and modalities herein listed. 
Client or Legal Guardian or Guest Signature: ________________________________________________Date:_______________________ Printed Name:____________________________________________________Phone:__________________________ E-Mail:_________________________________________________________________________________ *If additional space is required please use back of this form *For guest attendees (check if person signing is a guest in attendance) ____As a guest in attendance of a client session, I understand that everything I see and hear today, and /or at future dates, is strictly confidential. I also understand it is not legal for me to discuss anything I see & hear today or at any future date, with anybody except Tammy Hawksworth and _______________________________________(client).