During my recent #gospelstudy I had  a really cool realization.
 I have been waking up before my family for quite a few years now. Since 2016. I used to be a night owl. I loved staying up late and sleeping in. So when I first received my prompting to wake up BEFORE my family, I was not on board. In fact I think I remember saying out loud “I don’t think so” . My rationale ~ I was finally going to be able to sleep in and extra ½ hour and now God( my Higher Power) was asking me to wake up earlier than I previously was getting up. I resisted for quite a while, however the prompting kept coming. I finally listened, almost as if I was agreeing to TEST in out, and prove Him wrong.
 I can now say I am so grateful, because my morning devotional time has become my most favorite time of my day. I receive so many gold nuggets of wisdom. I have improved my connection to my God and I feel more confident in what I share with my world, because I know I can back it up with gospel refences.
 I have been using a guided journal for most of this time and have adjusted and refined my process into a very specific process and this past year I was prompted into creating my guided journal Putting On MY Armor of God. 
 In today’s devotional time I was reading about Noah after the flood. So my "ah ha" was this. First, Adam and Eve were "Blessed"(not commanded) to multiply and replenish the earth. Noah was also given the same blessings and added into  "bring forth abundantly". 
Now growing up my understanding I was only ever taught this meant to “have children” however today I realized this also means in any area of our life. 
Multiply, Replenish and Bring  Forth Abundantly. WOW! You mean I can multiply my results? Yes! So How can I multiply my results? I can share with others! I am amplifying and multiplying my results by sharing my "ah ha's" with you. 
How can I replenish? Well, when I use up something(any resource) I can replace it, plant new, repair it. recycle it. OOHHH I love this. Imaging if for every tree cut down and used one was planted, or multiply that and plant 2 or 3. Yes Please!
 Bring forth abundantly, how can I do this? When I plant a seed, I receive multiple fruit.  When a Share my blessings with others, when I create art, when teach another, Yes Please!
 I hope this has somehow blessed you! Have a great day!
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