Having a woodstove is a wonderful thing on so many levels.
*I get to heat my home
*I get to have a beautiful fire to watch and relax by
*I get to heat my home
*I get to have a beautiful fire to watch and relax by
* I have a way to stay warm during a power outage
*I have a back up source to cook on in a power outage
*I can snuggle with my hubby near the fire
I'm sure there are more, but these are my favorites.
*I have a back up source to cook on in a power outage
*I can snuggle with my hubby near the fire
I'm sure there are more, but these are my favorites.
However, having a woodstove requires some cleaning opportunities, one of which is the window on the door. When it is clean it much easier to enjoy the beauty of the fire dancing inside the stove.
The more the stove is used, the more a build up occurs on the glass. This buildup is not easy to remove - in most cases-. It is like it is baked on for good.
Since discovering the cleaning power of Young Living Thieves Household cleaner, I have been able to replace all the old toxic cleaners from my home.
I have found it works great along with the Thieves homemade paste for clenaing this baked onfilm ont he glass window.
check out my video below to see how awesome this works
The more the stove is used, the more a build up occurs on the glass. This buildup is not easy to remove - in most cases-. It is like it is baked on for good.
Since discovering the cleaning power of Young Living Thieves Household cleaner, I have been able to replace all the old toxic cleaners from my home.
I have found it works great along with the Thieves homemade paste for clenaing this baked onfilm ont he glass window.
check out my video below to see how awesome this works
This whole process took about 20 minutes.
Here is the recipe, cause I know you want it!
Thieves household cleaner is the heavy duty version,
In a glass bottle add:
Two capfulls Thieves Household Cleaner
2 cups distilled water
Thieves Paste:
2 cups distilled water
Thieves Paste:
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup Thieves Household Cleaner
1/4 cup Thieves Household Cleaner
1 Tbsp White Vinegar
15 Drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
Mix in a bowl, some mild foaming will happen when vinegar is added(this is normal)
Store in a glass jar ( a mason jar will work)
This is a mutlipurpose scrub that can be used on those tough jobs throughout your house. (oven, tub)
*Feel free to half the recipe when starting out, until you realize how awesome this stuff is!
Le tme know how you use the scrub in the comments below, remember before and after pics
Stay tuned for more ways to make your life fun and easy!
15 Drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
Mix in a bowl, some mild foaming will happen when vinegar is added(this is normal)
Store in a glass jar ( a mason jar will work)
This is a mutlipurpose scrub that can be used on those tough jobs throughout your house. (oven, tub)
*Feel free to half the recipe when starting out, until you realize how awesome this stuff is!
Le tme know how you use the scrub in the comments below, remember before and after pics
Stay tuned for more ways to make your life fun and easy!
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