Hi Friend,
So I have shared my week 2 takeaways in other ways and I am just realizing I did not share via my blog, so here it is!
So I have shared my week 2 takeaways in other ways and I am just realizing I did not share via my blog, so here it is!
When we can see our value from past experiences, we can make new choice for our current situations.
This is why I use and love AFT, because I can connect with my past situations that cause my emotional response and clear my emotional charge from my past situation in such an easy and gentle way that the next time I am in a similar situation, I no longer experience my same emotional response.
This is huge!
This is huge!
Another take a way is We have our ability to believe our future into existence. This is another powerful tool.
Do you or I even fully understand how powerful?
Our brain is not biased, it will bring into existence whatever we focus on. So a great question for asking then becomes, what am I focused on? and another, Is this what I choose to focus on?
I hope you are enjoying these ah ha moments and asking yourself these questions.
I am excited to hear of your experience as you answer them and share with me. You can do so in comments below
I am excited to hear of your experience as you answer them and share with me. You can do so in comments below
If you recognize you have a block in your way or a situation that causes an emotional response for you, you can book your personal AFT session here.
Have fun with these take a ways!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

My mornings are my time I spend with my Higher Power, for me that is God.
Today's time brought some really great inspirations about God and goal achievements.
Some may ask " Does God really care about my goals?"
I suggest the answer is most definitely "YES!"
During my devotional time I was reading in Abraham, chapter 3, verses 11-20 and here is what came to me about my goals and God. This may not be in your book of scripture. That's okay, take what resonates for you.
Today's time brought some really great inspirations about God and goal achievements.
Some may ask " Does God really care about my goals?"
I suggest the answer is most definitely "YES!"
During my devotional time I was reading in Abraham, chapter 3, verses 11-20 and here is what came to me about my goals and God. This may not be in your book of scripture. That's okay, take what resonates for you.
1. I can talk to God directly about my goals like I would talk to another person. Abraham talked face to face with God, just as he would another person. A mentor is like this, someone who has reached goals you have yet to achieve and is there for you. Of course, God accomplishes anything He desires to do, so He is the perfect mentor.
2. He (God) shared with Abraham all His creations. This was not to brag or be boastful, it was to show it can be done. So when a mentor is telling you of the goals they have reached, it is not to brag or be boastful, however it is to show you it can be done, they did it, you can too!
3. God multiplies our actions and results. Here God was referring to seed(children through generations) however creation is creation and if God has His hand in it , the actions & results will be multiplied.
4. There is always someone greater. Meaning, no matter where you are on your success and creative journey, there will always be someone to look up to as a mentor, who has reached the goal(s) you are taking action towards, and there will always be those not yet where you are, who you can mentor along the way. We support each other!
5. If it came into our heart, then our emotions are attached to our goal and if our emotions are attached, it is a heart centered righteous goal worthy of our success. If it is a head goal, it is just an idea with no personal connection, however when the heart is involved, there is emotional connection. Our reasons why we desire our goal go up and so does our motivation to reach our goal. Know your reasons why!
6. Satan, the adversary, has no power to stop my goal success, yes he, or others around you, may try. However, angels will deliver us. All we require is asking for their(angels) assistance.
So does God care about our goal success?
Absolutely YES!
So does God care about our goal success?
Absolutely YES!
Happy New Year 2022!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

My Friend,
Today I started a FREE mentoring group on Facebook. It is called Well Oiled Mentoring.
It is open to you and anyone wanting to learn how to reach a desired outcome.
It is open to you and anyone wanting to learn how to reach a desired outcome.
Do you know what your desired outcome is?
Would you like helping figuring that out?
I help you with that (January's session)
Each month I will go over a new technique or tool to help you reach your goal.
Each month will build from the previous month. I would love to just share it all at once, but trust me that would just be too much! Information overload!
Do you set goals with the new year, only to give up shortly after?
Do you have a goal now but haven't even taken a step to reach that goal?
Do you set goals with the new year, only to give up shortly after?
Do you have a goal now but haven't even taken a step to reach that goal?
Not sure where to start?
Do you have a goal but not sure what the first step is?
Do you have a goal but not sure what the first step is?
Do you get started with a lost of enthusiasm but slowly lose that momentum?
If this sounds like you, and you are ready to stop this cycle of not reaching your goals., then join the group.
Don't worry of you missed it live, the recording are in the group for later viewing and reviewing.
I will help you in reaching your goals...cause hey ...Kirk Duncan says....
Don't worry of you missed it live, the recording are in the group for later viewing and reviewing.
I will help you in reaching your goals...cause hey ...Kirk Duncan says....
"Goals are miracles in the making"
Let's create a year of miracles together!
Are you ready to be a miracle maker?
Click here to join my FREE Mentoring Group.
Let's create a year of miracles together!
Are you ready to be a miracle maker?
Click here to join my FREE Mentoring Group.
and remember meeting are recorded for later viewing and available for a time in the group.
In this group you will ...
In this group you will ...
~learn tools to help you when you get feeling stuck or up against a wall
~learn tools to help you stay on track and making progress
~be motivated to set a desired outcome
~learn tools to help you stay on track and making progress
~be motivated to set a desired outcome
~stay motivated to reach your desired outcome
~learn to tell if it is a real desire or just a passing thought
~feel supported as you move forward
~feel fulfilled as you work towards and achieve success
So, if this sounds like you are ready for your success now, simple click here to join.
The monthly event is scheduled in the group. My friend, you can check all the details out there now.
The monthly event is scheduled in the group. My friend, you can check all the details out there now.
Love what you are reading here, subscribe to stay up to date!
You can also Follow me on the following social platforms...

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

What has 2020 meant to you?
It sure has been an interesting year for sure. A Global pandemic, conspiracy theories, face masks, hand sanitizer, shut downs, and more!
I'm grateful that despite the many challenges 2020 brought, I was able to achieve many successes.
From being able to take the course that was on my Vision Board for over a year, to becoming financially free.
The course on my Vision Board was, up until 2020, only available to take, in person, in Utah. That meant a huge amount of things would be needed for it to happen. From childcare, to passport, to flight, to hotel booking, to scheduling, to meals and more. It would have been a real miracle and it would be for only one of the many courses this company offered.
Well, not only was I able to take that course, but also almost every other course this company offered.
How was this possible? Well, thanks to a global pandemic (no I am saying I am glad there was a pandemic) but due to the world changing how it ran things, I was able to take these courses virtually. I was able to take them all for about the cost it would have been for me to travel to take one.
I received two certificates from those courses. One received for The Launch, and another soon to be received for Intuitive Mentoring ( course completion materials have submitted). These are higher levels or some other programs I took first.
I achieved some financial goals that seemed pretty out there, but yup, reached all my current financial goals. I highly recommend taking a financial course, reading financial books and updating those old money programs from childhood.
My home is being put in order and will soon be finished and finally the way I have dreamt for it to be.
Being home more meant I had the time to work at this, plus I also received the funds to make it happen.
I was able to slow down and spend more time with my family. I remembered to stay in touch more with people I cared about and found new ways to do that.
I learned to always have a supply of toilet paper, cause the first thing to go off the shelves is toilet paper, whatever the life event. Thankfully this was a normal thing for me.
So, what did 2020 bring to your life that was unexpected but a hidden blessing?
Were you able to find those hidden gems?
I intend to set and reach more goals in 2021. I would also love to help you set and reach your goals as well. I have the means and tools to help you do that.
Life is meant to enjoyed. I choose to find JOY.
Oh P.S. my word for 2021 is JOY....do you pick a word?
From being able to take the course that was on my Vision Board for over a year, to becoming financially free.
The course on my Vision Board was, up until 2020, only available to take, in person, in Utah. That meant a huge amount of things would be needed for it to happen. From childcare, to passport, to flight, to hotel booking, to scheduling, to meals and more. It would have been a real miracle and it would be for only one of the many courses this company offered.
Well, not only was I able to take that course, but also almost every other course this company offered.
How was this possible? Well, thanks to a global pandemic (no I am saying I am glad there was a pandemic) but due to the world changing how it ran things, I was able to take these courses virtually. I was able to take them all for about the cost it would have been for me to travel to take one.
I received two certificates from those courses. One received for The Launch, and another soon to be received for Intuitive Mentoring ( course completion materials have submitted). These are higher levels or some other programs I took first.
I achieved some financial goals that seemed pretty out there, but yup, reached all my current financial goals. I highly recommend taking a financial course, reading financial books and updating those old money programs from childhood.
My home is being put in order and will soon be finished and finally the way I have dreamt for it to be.
Being home more meant I had the time to work at this, plus I also received the funds to make it happen.
I was able to slow down and spend more time with my family. I remembered to stay in touch more with people I cared about and found new ways to do that.
I learned to always have a supply of toilet paper, cause the first thing to go off the shelves is toilet paper, whatever the life event. Thankfully this was a normal thing for me.
So, what did 2020 bring to your life that was unexpected but a hidden blessing?
Were you able to find those hidden gems?
I intend to set and reach more goals in 2021. I would also love to help you set and reach your goals as well. I have the means and tools to help you do that.
Life is meant to enjoyed. I choose to find JOY.

Happy New Year!
Here's to even more success and JOY.
Here's to even more success and JOY.
Are you ready to make 2021 your best year ever?
Love what you are reading here, subscribe to stay up to date!
You can also Follow me on the following social platforms...

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

After a few years of preparing, and an intense year of deep focus and practicing, I am now ready to offer mentoring as a service.
I have been preparing for this my whole life. I now feel ready to not just listen, but to hear. To not just look but to see. To not just know but to understand. To not just educate, but to move to action.
Are you ready to activate all your senses? Are you ready to achieve your goals?
I have been preparing for this my whole life. I now feel ready to not just listen, but to hear. To not just look but to see. To not just know but to understand. To not just educate, but to move to action.
Are you ready to activate all your senses? Are you ready to achieve your goals?
Who Am I?
~ I am a Divine Daughter of God and I am here to help others find their self worth, achieve their goals, overcome their walls, find their life missions and be their best selves.
~I am a wife to the most amazing, strong, loving, hero of a man.
~ I am the mother to 6 of the most talented, generous, caring
children ranging in ages from 31– 13(2020), 2 boy and four girls.
~I am a grandmother to 6 energetic, loving, innocent grandchildren.
~ I am the mother to 6 of the most talented, generous, caring
children ranging in ages from 31– 13(2020), 2 boy and four girls.
~I am a grandmother to 6 energetic, loving, innocent grandchildren.
~ I am an ongoing student of life and self mastery and personal growth
~I am a team leader and advocate for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness.
What others are saying.....
...she made it a very comfortable relaxed session. Tammy has a way of making you feel very open and aware of how you are feeling. During my
session she was patient and her voice contributed to me opening up. I feel she took the time needed to let me move past some blocks I had and was very encouraging. I will be booking another time with her soon.
Ebony N
session she was patient and her voice contributed to me opening up. I feel she took the time needed to let me move past some blocks I had and was very encouraging. I will be booking another time with her soon.
Ebony N
When Tammy asked me if I would be a mentee, I said yes without hesitation. From past encounters and exchanges with Tammy, I knew that it would be a positive and beneficial experience. Her gentle wisdom, which I had observed, was confirmed during the mentoring program. Even better, I grew to appreciate her ability to empathize and truly understand where I was and where I wanted to be. The exercises and insights she provided were perfect stepping stones to help me reach and surpass my goal.
As a mentor, Tammy is compassionate and tactful, but even more important to me, she is absolutely trustworthy. When you are sharing pieces of your life or your insecurities you want to do so with complete trust, knowing they are in safe hands.
Joy L
You are always building us up, as well as everyone else around you. You have so much courage...you have taught us so much. We love our lessons...vision boards, essential oils, following promptings, and so much more!
S. Woods & S. Edwards
Why mentor with me?
~ I will teach you how to activate all your senses to speed up your results in achieving your goals
~ I will teach you tools to help you empower and give you the strength you need to break through your walls and supercharge your results
~I will teach you techniques to let go of things that are holding you back and getting in your way
~I will inspire you to take action!
Are you ready to set and reach your goals?
Then let's get going on this, you're ready!
Then let's get going on this, you're ready!
Schedule your FREE introductory meeting here by selecting 30 minutes session. Want to make the most of your FREE
session, fill out this form.
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG