I know 2020 has had challenges, but I know if we really look in challenging times, we can find blessings, even huge blessings.
I have had a number of courses on my vision board for some time, and honestly had no idea how they would happen. Several were previously only offered in person, in the State of Utah. The company posted much online as mini classes or one hour trainings. I took as many as I learned were available. I kept envisioning me going one day. I even bought the ticket for the first one I planned to attend. The day came and went and I was not able to go. I was able to put my ticket in a kind of stand by.
Well, 2020 brought many changes to the way businesses had to operate to stay in business and this company was no exception. Their courses were gradually moved to online versions one by one. I actually started with a couple that were further down my wish list, since they were offered first. As one would end an amazing promo would be offered for the next. and so on. Still no word if the original one I planned to attend would go virtual.
Finally it went virtual and little did I know it was also their last time offering that class. I feel so blessed.
I was able to take almost all their classes virtually this past year for about the cost it would have been for me to hire a sitter, arrange a flight, book a hotel stay and pay for meals. Talk about an upgrade in some of the most challenging of times our society has know in recent years.
Well, my goals being reached haven't stopped there. We( hubby and I) reached some huge financial goals. We were able to pay off our mortgage in full, and all our debts in full and more.
Well, 2020 brought many changes to the way businesses had to operate to stay in business and this company was no exception. Their courses were gradually moved to online versions one by one. I actually started with a couple that were further down my wish list, since they were offered first. As one would end an amazing promo would be offered for the next. and so on. Still no word if the original one I planned to attend would go virtual.
Finally it went virtual and little did I know it was also their last time offering that class. I feel so blessed.
I was able to take almost all their classes virtually this past year for about the cost it would have been for me to hire a sitter, arrange a flight, book a hotel stay and pay for meals. Talk about an upgrade in some of the most challenging of times our society has know in recent years.
Well, my goals being reached haven't stopped there. We( hubby and I) reached some huge financial goals. We were able to pay off our mortgage in full, and all our debts in full and more.
Another course I have desired to take for about two years now also recently had a huge sale on their program, hubby agreed to make it my Christmas present. It starts in the New Years. What a great way to start 2021, with another goal being achieved.
In just a couple of months I will be able to say I am an Aroma Freedom Practitioner. I have been able to do sessions up until now on my self and on a number of friends and acquaintances for free, so I know I enjoy the process and I know the process works.
If a class like this interests you, you can check them out here.
If a class like this interests you, you can check them out here.
If you are ready to start reaching your goals and need a mentor, I offer that too. To learn more click here.
What goals do you have for 2021? Is anything standing in your way?
What goals do you have for 2021? Is anything standing in your way?
What blessing have your received this past year?
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

Family life is something that is always changing. With multiple people living under one roof, there are bound to be issues that come up that may seem a struggle to resolve. Everyone has their own view and idea of how it should be. Yes- even people with your genetic material in their DNA can see things way different that you!. Throw in a partner who was brought up in a different family, with different ways they did things, and you have a recipe for possible disaster.
Can you relate?
Well, our family has found something that has been super helpful for us. We have been using for about 5 years or so now (since 2015). Do we do it every week, no, but the weeks we do there is definitely a better flow in our household energy.
It is something we do typically on Sunday evening, because then we are prepared for the week ahead. It takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour. We have never gone longer than that. Amazingly everyone loves it and participates.
Are you ready to find out what it is?
It's called Family Council.
Businesses run efficiently because the meet often to discuss challenges and find solutions. So having a family meeting actually works very similarly.
I created a FREE guide for you.
In the Guide you will see the top benefits of having a family council, things to watch out for and steps by steps instructions on how to hold one. I have even included a FREE printable form to get you started.
We have adapted and adjust the form layout many time over the years and this layout works best for us. But feel free to use it as a template to create your own from if something on it doesn't quite work for your family.
You can see how I use it in this quick video here.
Well, our family has found something that has been super helpful for us. We have been using for about 5 years or so now (since 2015). Do we do it every week, no, but the weeks we do there is definitely a better flow in our household energy.
It is something we do typically on Sunday evening, because then we are prepared for the week ahead. It takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour. We have never gone longer than that. Amazingly everyone loves it and participates.
Are you ready to find out what it is?
It's called Family Council.
Businesses run efficiently because the meet often to discuss challenges and find solutions. So having a family meeting actually works very similarly.
I created a FREE guide for you.
In the Guide you will see the top benefits of having a family council, things to watch out for and steps by steps instructions on how to hold one. I have even included a FREE printable form to get you started.
We have adapted and adjust the form layout many time over the years and this layout works best for us. But feel free to use it as a template to create your own from if something on it doesn't quite work for your family.
You can see how I use it in this quick video here.
Grab your FREE Guide here.
Hope you have the best day ever!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

After a few years of preparing, and an intense year of deep focus and practicing, I am now ready to offer mentoring as a service.
I have been preparing for this my whole life. I now feel ready to not just listen, but to hear. To not just look but to see. To not just know but to understand. To not just educate, but to move to action.
Are you ready to activate all your senses? Are you ready to achieve your goals?
I have been preparing for this my whole life. I now feel ready to not just listen, but to hear. To not just look but to see. To not just know but to understand. To not just educate, but to move to action.
Are you ready to activate all your senses? Are you ready to achieve your goals?
Who Am I?
~ I am a Divine Daughter of God and I am here to help others find their self worth, achieve their goals, overcome their walls, find their life missions and be their best selves.
~I am a wife to the most amazing, strong, loving, hero of a man.
~ I am the mother to 6 of the most talented, generous, caring
children ranging in ages from 31– 13(2020), 2 boy and four girls.
~I am a grandmother to 6 energetic, loving, innocent grandchildren.
~ I am the mother to 6 of the most talented, generous, caring
children ranging in ages from 31– 13(2020), 2 boy and four girls.
~I am a grandmother to 6 energetic, loving, innocent grandchildren.
~ I am an ongoing student of life and self mastery and personal growth
~I am a team leader and advocate for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness.
What others are saying.....
...she made it a very comfortable relaxed session. Tammy has a way of making you feel very open and aware of how you are feeling. During my
session she was patient and her voice contributed to me opening up. I feel she took the time needed to let me move past some blocks I had and was very encouraging. I will be booking another time with her soon.
Ebony N
session she was patient and her voice contributed to me opening up. I feel she took the time needed to let me move past some blocks I had and was very encouraging. I will be booking another time with her soon.
Ebony N
When Tammy asked me if I would be a mentee, I said yes without hesitation. From past encounters and exchanges with Tammy, I knew that it would be a positive and beneficial experience. Her gentle wisdom, which I had observed, was confirmed during the mentoring program. Even better, I grew to appreciate her ability to empathize and truly understand where I was and where I wanted to be. The exercises and insights she provided were perfect stepping stones to help me reach and surpass my goal.
As a mentor, Tammy is compassionate and tactful, but even more important to me, she is absolutely trustworthy. When you are sharing pieces of your life or your insecurities you want to do so with complete trust, knowing they are in safe hands.
Joy L
You are always building us up, as well as everyone else around you. You have so much courage...you have taught us so much. We love our lessons...vision boards, essential oils, following promptings, and so much more!
S. Woods & S. Edwards
Why mentor with me?
~ I will teach you how to activate all your senses to speed up your results in achieving your goals
~ I will teach you tools to help you empower and give you the strength you need to break through your walls and supercharge your results
~I will teach you techniques to let go of things that are holding you back and getting in your way
~I will inspire you to take action!
Are you ready to set and reach your goals?
Then let's get going on this, you're ready!
Then let's get going on this, you're ready!
Schedule your FREE introductory meeting here by selecting 30 minutes session. Want to make the most of your FREE
session, fill out this form.
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!

I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG