Contagious Family Fun Game!

Family Game Time
Does your family have family game night? Or do you simply love playing games together?

Our family was recently introduced to this super fun, fast paced game, that even my special needs daughter has quickly picked up on how to play. We have introduced to other people we know and they had to grab their, own copy because they found it so much fun too!

What is this super fun game?

It's called Cover Your Assests! And you can grab your own copy by clicking the link below!

See how it's played

Want to see how the game is played... check out this super easy tutorial ...

I know you will enjoy this game, if you like quick to learn games, fun surprises, easily pick up on strategies and just enjoy spending time interacting with your family and friends.

Let me know if you have this game or plan to get it.

Hope you have a great family, Sunday!

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D. Gary Young's BLOG

How To Clean Your Woodstove Window Glass

How To Clean Your Woodstove Window Glass
Having a woodstove is a wonderful thing on so many levels.

*I get to heat my home
*I get to have a beautiful fire to watch and relax by
* I have a way to stay warm during a power outage
*I have a back up source to cook on in a power outage
*I can snuggle with my hubby near the fire

I'm sure there are more, but these are my favorites.

However, having a woodstove requires some cleaning opportunities, one of which is the window on the door. When it is clean it much easier to enjoy the beauty of the fire dancing inside the stove.
The more the stove is used, the more a build up occurs on the glass. This buildup is not easy to remove - in most cases-. It is like it is baked on for good.

Since discovering the cleaning power of Young Living Thieves Household cleaner, I have been able to replace all the old toxic cleaners from my home.

I have found it works great along with the Thieves homemade paste for clenaing this baked onfilm ont he glass window.

check out my video below to see how awesome this works

This whole process took about 20 minutes.

Here is the recipe, cause I know you want it!

Thieves household cleaner is the heavy duty version, 

In a glass bottle add:

Two capfulls Thieves Household Cleaner
2 cups distilled water

Thieves Paste:

1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup Thieves Household Cleaner
1 Tbsp White Vinegar
15 Drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil

Mix in a bowl, some mild foaming will happen when vinegar is added(this is normal)
Store in a glass jar ( a mason jar will work)
This is a mutlipurpose scrub that can be used on those tough jobs throughout your house. (oven, tub)

*Feel free to half the recipe when starting out, until you realize how awesome this stuff is!

Le tme know how you use the scrub in the comments below, remember before and after pics

Stay tuned for more ways to make your life fun and easy!

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D. Gary Young's BLOG

FREE Group Mentoring Opportunity!

FREE Group Mentoring Opportunity!
My Friend,

Today I started a FREE mentoring group on Facebook. It is called Well Oiled Mentoring.

It is open to you and anyone wanting to learn how to reach a desired outcome. 

Do you know what your desired outcome is? 
Would you like helping figuring that out? 
I help you with that (January's session)

Each month I will go over a new technique or tool to help you reach your goal. 
Each month will build from the previous month. I would love to just share it all at once, but trust me that would just be too much! Information overload!

Do you set goals with the new year, only to give up shortly after?
Do you have a goal now but haven't even taken a step to reach that goal? 
Not sure where to start?
Do you have a goal but not sure what the first step is?
Do you get started with a lost of enthusiasm but slowly lose that momentum?

If this sounds like you, and you are ready to stop this cycle of not reaching your goals., then join the group.
Don't worry of you missed it live, the recording are in the group for later viewing and reviewing.

I will help you in reaching your goals...cause hey ...Kirk Duncan says....

"Goals are miracles in the making"

Let's create a year of miracles together!

Are you ready to be a miracle maker?

Click here to join my FREE Mentoring Group

and remember meeting are recorded for later viewing and available for a time in the group.

In this group you will ...

~learn tools to help you when you get feeling stuck or up against a wall
~learn tools to help you stay on track and making progress
~be motivated to set a desired outcome
~stay motivated to reach your desired outcome
~learn to tell if it is a real desire or just a passing thought
~feel supported as you move forward
~feel fulfilled as you work towards and achieve success

So, if this sounds like you are ready for your success now, simple click here to join.

The monthly event is scheduled in the group. My friend, you can check all the details out there now.

Love what you are reading here, subscribe to stay up to date!

You can also Follow me on the following social platforms...

I am have a number of  affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support! 

D. Gary Young's BLOG

Out with the Old, In with the New!

Out with the Old, In with the New!
What has 2020 meant to you?

It sure has been an interesting year for sure. A Global pandemic, conspiracy theories, face masks, hand sanitizer, shut downs, and more! 

I'm grateful that despite the many challenges 2020 brought, I was able to achieve many successes.
From being able to take the course that was on my Vision Board for over a year, to becoming financially free.

The course on my Vision Board was, up until 2020, only available to take, in person, in Utah. That meant a huge amount of things would be needed for it to happen. From childcare, to passport, to flight, to hotel booking, to scheduling, to meals and more. It would have been a real miracle and it would be for only one of the many courses this company offered.

Well, not only was I able to take that course, but also almost every other course this company offered.
How was this possible? Well, thanks to a global pandemic (no I am saying I am glad there was a pandemic) but due to the world changing how it ran things, I was able to take these courses virtually. I was able to take them all for about the cost it would have been for me to travel to take one.

I received two certificates from those courses. One received for The Launch, and another soon to be received for Intuitive Mentoring ( course completion materials have submitted). These are higher levels or some other programs I took first.

I achieved some financial goals that seemed pretty out there, but yup, reached all my current financial goals. I highly recommend taking a financial course, reading financial books and updating those old money programs from childhood.

My home is being put in order and will soon be finished and finally the way I have dreamt for it to be.
Being home more meant I had the time to work at this, plus I  also received the funds to make it happen.
I was able to slow down and spend more time with my family. I remembered to stay in touch more with people I cared about and found new ways to do that.

I learned to always have a supply of toilet paper, cause the first thing to go off the shelves is toilet paper, whatever the life event. Thankfully this was a normal thing for me.

So, what did 2020 bring to your life that was unexpected but a hidden blessing?

Were you able to find those hidden gems?

I intend to set and reach more goals in 2021. I would also love to help you set and reach your goals as well. I have the means and tools to help you do that.

Life is meant to enjoyed. I choose to find JOY.
Oh P.S. my word for 2021 is you pick a word?

Happy New Year!
Here's to even more success and JOY.

Are you ready to make 2021 your best year ever?

Love what you are reading here, subscribe to stay up to date!

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I am have a number of  affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support! 

D. Gary Young's BLOG

When Do You Put Your Decorations Away?

When Do You Put Your Decorations Away?
Have you struggled with when to take down the tree and put the Christmas decorations away?

I have heard people who take down the day after Christmas, before the New Year, after the New Year, on a specific date.
Frankly it is a bit confusing to have so many conflicting ideas about when the decorations need to come down. Some appear to be family tradition, some are based on superstitions, so the question I have for you is....when do you take yours down and is there a reason why you do it when you do?

I tend to take it down whenever the energy level is there and the weather is also cooperative( we store everything in the garage, so means taking it all outside to get there. I think today was the earliest I have ever taken it down, but today was the day.

We have had it up since end on November so we have had plenty of time to enjoy it.

Another thing, do you store neatly and organized or is it just shoved in boxes to deal with next year?
I like to store in Rubbermaid totes. They have worked for me now for over 30 years, so I think I can say they work. I have an artificial tree and it also has it's own tub that fits the tree perfectly. I especially like to store my light sets in an organized way. I fold them back and forth, light at the top, then next light at the bottom and them wrap the end around the middle to secure. If it is a double ended set, I plug the one end into the other. This has also worked well over the years.

So go ahead, tell me when you take your decorations down and the reason why? my curious mind wants to know!

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I am have a number of  affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support! 

D. Gary Young's BLOG
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