6 Lessons From God About Goal Achievement!

6 Lessons From God About Goal Achievement!
My mornings are my time I spend with my Higher Power, for me that is God.

Today's time brought some really great inspirations about God and goal achievements.

Some may ask " Does God really care about my goals?"
I suggest the answer is most definitely "YES!"

During my devotional time I was reading in Abraham, chapter 3, verses 11-20 and here is what came to me about my goals and God. This may not be in your book of scripture. That's okay, take what resonates for you.

Here are the lessons I remembered...

1. I can talk to God directly about my goals like I would talk to another person. Abraham talked face to face with God, just as he would another person. A mentor is like this, someone who has reached goals you have yet to achieve and is there for you. Of course, God accomplishes anything He desires to do, so He is the perfect mentor.

2. He (God) shared with Abraham all His creations. This was not to brag or be boastful, it was to show it can be done. So when a mentor is telling you of the goals they have reached, it is not to brag or be boastful, however it is to show you it can be done, they did it, you can too!

3. God multiplies our actions and results. Here God was referring to seed(children through generations) however creation is creation and if God has His hand in it , the actions & results will be multiplied.

4. There is always someone greater. Meaning, no matter where you are on your success and creative journey, there will always be someone to look up to as a mentor, who has reached the goal(s) you are taking action towards, and there will always be those not yet where you are, who you can mentor along the way. We support each other!

5. If it came into our heart, then our emotions are attached to our goal and if our emotions are attached, it is a heart centered righteous goal worthy of our success. If it is a head goal, it is just an idea with no personal connection, however when the heart is involved, there is emotional connection. Our reasons why we desire  our goal go up and so does our motivation to reach our goal. Know your reasons why! 


6. Satan, the adversary, has no power to stop my goal success, yes he, or others around you,  may try. However, angels will deliver us. All we require is asking for their(angels) assistance. 

So does God care about our goal success?

Absolutely YES!

Happy New Year 2022!

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It’s Official, I Am A Published Author!!!

It’s Official, I Am A Published Author!!!

  Writing a book has been a goal of mine, however not an I’m writing one today kind of goal. More like a one day kind of goal.
 Exactly one month ago today I was participating in an Aroma Reset on Clubhouse hosted by my friend and fellow Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner, Dee Castelli. Typically the room does two flow throughs, one reset in one club and then again in another room in another club. I cleared out what was up for me that morning in the first room, and if I remember correctly I was forgiving a person I had some tension with. This cleared all that was up for me this morning. In fact I was so clear, in the following room, I was able to receive all I required for me to write my first book. I wrote all my inspirations down in my daily journal, which is so interesting, as my download was for a daily journal which included all my things I add in to my morning journaling routine.
 My previous journal has been a lovely journal and has helped me enjoy and develop my daily habit of journaling. Up until journaling using this particular format, I was previously never able to stick to journaling.
 The idea of having to document the details of my day was overwhelming for me. I would attempt and end up with pages for just one day. I would only ever do one or two days and then give up for months or even years before attempting again.
 About two years ago I came across my previously current journal and used almost every single day. So I went from rarely journaling, to rarely missing journal simply because of the process I used.
 My new method included prayer, gratitude, asking questions and scripture reading and then writing ideas.
 I always added in essential oils, decrees and occasionally action steps. My download has me upgrading and has added a few more things. I took my notes from my morning reset and set out creating my book. Everything flowed with ease. I was enjoying every second. I however had no idea what I was doing. I had never written a book before.
 I completed my basis for my journal in just four days!!!
 Now what, how do I get this published? I searched my online group for women running businesses from home and creating multiple income streams. Ah ha, KDP was a self publisher. I soon found out I had lots of adjustments and fine tuning for my book. I did not let this deter me. In fact I am grateful, I made so many upgrades for my book which I am very pleased with.
 So after many attempt to publish, to get my own ISBN number, and other experiences, my book just went live and for sale!
 Oh and if you have tried journaling your daily story and that has not worked for you, perhaps my journal will be a solution for you as well, if you have desired to keep a journal.
 You can grab your copy here…Get Your Copy Here!
 Thank you for celebrating with me!
 Woo Hoo! I Am A Published Author
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