I won 14 weeks of training with my favorite mentor and promised I would share my biggest takeaway from each week with you, so here is week 1!
Do you self sabotage?
Do you make excuses in your head not to do the thing you think you should be doing?
Do you avoid doing the thing?
Do you do anything and everything except the thing?
Do you self sabotage?
Do you make excuses in your head not to do the thing you think you should be doing?
Do you avoid doing the thing?
Do you do anything and everything except the thing?
Well if you find yourself doing any of these, you may be in self sabotage.
There are things you can do to get out of self sabotage and I am going to share the four things Ann suggests.
#1 Awareness : Oh look I am running a program here, and it keeps coming up
A great question to ask your self here is What Else Could Be True?
#2 Accepting: THis is my program, I created it or took it on from others, either way it is my program. Accepting it is my program, means I can change it. You will know this step is a challenge if you find yourself justifying or blaming.
A great question to ask here is What Am I Afraid Of?
*This is also a great place for doing an Aroma Freedom Technique, you can schedule your session here if you would like help processing your old programs.
#3 Interrupt: This is where you create your new program, your new story,
Ask yourself: What Do I Desire Instead? What Do I Choose instead?
#4 Be willing to change and Celebrate your Progress.
Taking conscious steps to move forward in your new story or program may take time and practice. Baby's don't walk instantly so stop expecting you to change instantly. Take those steps and celebrate your wins
Taking conscious steps to move forward in your new story or program may take time and practice. Baby's don't walk instantly so stop expecting you to change instantly. Take those steps and celebrate your wins
One final tip in determining if a program is one to keep or upgrade: Ask Is my Program FOR ME or AGAINST ME?
I hope you enjoyed this week's insight.
What is your takeaway? What will you change?
Have a great day,
I hope you enjoyed this week's insight.
What is your takeaway? What will you change?
Have a great day,
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D. Gary Young's BLOG

The holidays can be a difficult time for those who may not feel included or connected to their family, friends or community. This can be especially true for those who are far from home, have recently experienced a loss or major life change, or simply don't have a strong support system.
However, there are ways to feel more included and connected during the holiday season. Consider some of the following ideas:
1. One way to feel more included is to reach out to others and connect with them. This can be as simple as calling a friend or family member, or attending a community event or gathering.
2. You can also volunteer your time to help those in need, such as at a soup kitchen or food bank. This can not only help you feel more connected to others, but also provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
3. Another way to feel more included during the holidays is to create new traditions or rituals. This can be as simple as starting a new holiday movie night with friends, or cooking a special dish to share with loved ones. You can also try incorporating elements of your own culture or heritage into your holiday celebrations, such as by making traditional dishes or decorations.
4. It can also be helpful to set aside time for self-care and self-reflection during the holiday season. This can help you maintain a sense of balance and well-being, and prevent feelings of loneliness or isolation. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, or simply taking some time to relax and unwind.
5. Another fun thing to do, if cheer up others. Give random compliments, hold doors for people, Pass out candy canes, are just a few ideas.
One year I had to work during my birthday. I chose to make my day one about giving rather than receiving. I knew the owner(family member) and made a plan with her to offer a free service to all clients for that service that day and I would cover the cost(which was agreed upon with owners). I had such fun telling clients their service was on m e today since it was my birthday. Many expressed such joy and I had a number leave me gifts or tips. In the end I had the most fun of all and best birthday ever, which is just two days before Christmas.
5. Another fun thing to do, if cheer up others. Give random compliments, hold doors for people, Pass out candy canes, are just a few ideas.
One year I had to work during my birthday. I chose to make my day one about giving rather than receiving. I knew the owner(family member) and made a plan with her to offer a free service to all clients for that service that day and I would cover the cost(which was agreed upon with owners). I had such fun telling clients their service was on m e today since it was my birthday. Many expressed such joy and I had a number leave me gifts or tips. In the end I had the most fun of all and best birthday ever, which is just two days before Christmas.
Overall, the key to feeling included during the holidays is to connect with others and engage in activities that bring meaning and fulfillment. Whether it's reaching out to loved ones, volunteering, creating new traditions, or practicing self-care, there are many ways to feel more included and connected during the holiday season.
Did any of these ideas resonate for you? If so, What will you choose to do?
Did any of these ideas resonate for you? If so, What will you choose to do?
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D. Gary Young's BLOG
Recently my son came to me saying how his back cracked when he bent over and that he was in pain doing so. He was demonstrating as he shared, and was only bending forward a short way before straightening back up.
Well, knowing my resources available for supporting him. I offered tuning forks. He agreed. He has often refused, as he prefers to do other things with his time ( Video games or stunting with his bike), however does enjoy various techniques when he does agree.
Well, knowing my resources available for supporting him. I offered tuning forks. He agreed. He has often refused, as he prefers to do other things with his time ( Video games or stunting with his bike), however does enjoy various techniques when he does agree.
This let me know he was fairly uncomfortable.
We went to my office and he sat on my ball chair back to me and I behind him. I used a pair of tuning forks called the Schumann Pair. (from Biofield Tuning).
I chose to use the forks together going down either side of his spine and as I did, I got to his mid low back and the forks started going all wonky ( like they were going over a bumpy dirt road…lol). I asked if he would lift his shirt so I could see what was going on.
My mind went wow! His vertebrae were protruding and also not in alignment left to right. His spine really was like a bumpy dirt road with twists. I also noticed he had some stretch marks. I thought this was an unusual place for stretch marks. He asked me to take a picture (thankfully because that means I have before pictures). I took one straight on and another from the side.
I do not often think of taking before and after images as one never knows if a shift will be noticeable.

I was experiencing wrist pain due to an injury I had. So his session was not very long, between 5-10 minutes. Because I could visibly see a difference I took after images as well. Upon showing Caleb was shocked( as was I honestly). So amazing to visually see his shift and alignment.

The next day I offered a second session, but he declined (typical as he chose to play his video game). I asked him to rate his level of intensity before his session, he stated 7.5 ( out of 10) and then to rate his level of intensity now. He stated 1.75 and then chose to round up to 2 after doing a bend or two. I took another picture of his back and WOW! I could see no distortion at all anymore. I then asked if he would bend over for a video. He consented. In the video, he beds with easy fully up and down and only then can I see the most protruded disc is only slightly out.

I am so grateful for tools for supporting my families’ wellness and for being able to offer these services to my world.
So can vibrational energy create alignment? My answer is YES!
So can vibrational energy create alignment? My answer is YES!
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D. Gary Young's BLOG

Hi Friend,
Today was Fast and Testimony meeting at my church. I love when we have this meeting. People share how their life has been blessed by God and often there is all those good feels emotionally, even though there are often tears.
I love taking notes even during this meeting as I often get some really cool ah ha’s.
Today was filled with those gold nuggets.
Typically we have speakers assigned and their topics are fairly similar, themed you might say. Well that was the overall feel for today’s meeting although nothing was preplanned.
Our second testimony share was a brother who was told his trip would have miracles so he and he then proceeded to detail miracle after miracle on his trip and angel after angel who had helped him in some way. My thought at the close of his remarks was God is in the Details, and wrote this in my journal.
The next speaker shared a scripture about how every blessing comes from living the law attached to that blessing. We can basically have any blessing we choose if we live the requirements for having that blessing, This spoke law of Attraction to me. I had fun sharing this with a visual with my family about how if we are on one level, think like the floors in an elevator, but we want the next level up, then we need to do the things to reach the next level up. If we are held back at a level, something requires being cleared out before we can move to the next level.
Today was Fast and Testimony meeting at my church. I love when we have this meeting. People share how their life has been blessed by God and often there is all those good feels emotionally, even though there are often tears.
I love taking notes even during this meeting as I often get some really cool ah ha’s.
Today was filled with those gold nuggets.
Typically we have speakers assigned and their topics are fairly similar, themed you might say. Well that was the overall feel for today’s meeting although nothing was preplanned.
Our second testimony share was a brother who was told his trip would have miracles so he and he then proceeded to detail miracle after miracle on his trip and angel after angel who had helped him in some way. My thought at the close of his remarks was God is in the Details, and wrote this in my journal.
The next speaker shared a scripture about how every blessing comes from living the law attached to that blessing. We can basically have any blessing we choose if we live the requirements for having that blessing, This spoke law of Attraction to me. I had fun sharing this with a visual with my family about how if we are on one level, think like the floors in an elevator, but we want the next level up, then we need to do the things to reach the next level up. If we are held back at a level, something requires being cleared out before we can move to the next level.
Then another person spoke and asked us to play a game, so here is the game, play it with me. Look around you, wherever you are(unless you are driving) and notice all the red things, got it? Then close your eyes.
Now tell me all the blue things you saw.
I loved this because he tied it into the first speaker’s share on his miracles and how because he was looking for his miracles, he could see them. If he was looking for something else, he may have missed them all.
So What are you focused on? And are you doing the things to acquire your outcomes?
Happy Sabbath Day,
Now tell me all the blue things you saw.
I loved this because he tied it into the first speaker’s share on his miracles and how because he was looking for his miracles, he could see them. If he was looking for something else, he may have missed them all.
So What are you focused on? And are you doing the things to acquire your outcomes?
Happy Sabbath Day,
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG
Hi Friend,
Steps to be Certified in Raindrop Technique has been more of a process than I anticipated, and I am enjoying every moment.
After playing at completing my practicum hours, offering Raindrops and Vita Flex session for a nominal fee for cover my cost of oils, which can be up to 250 drops per session, I travelled by driving with my husband to Barrie Ontario to complete my return demo.
Practicum happens after my initial training back in November 2021. I then have 2 years to complete my practice sessions and my return demo for certification. I am grateful for Isabelle for encouraging me to get my practice in for when she was going to Ontario, so we could be each other's practice person for our return demos.
After playing at completing my practicum hours, offering Raindrops and Vita Flex session for a nominal fee for cover my cost of oils, which can be up to 250 drops per session, I travelled by driving with my husband to Barrie Ontario to complete my return demo.
Practicum happens after my initial training back in November 2021. I then have 2 years to complete my practice sessions and my return demo for certification. I am grateful for Isabelle for encouraging me to get my practice in for when she was going to Ontario, so we could be each other's practice person for our return demos.
The day arrived on August 3, 2022. We were both nervous and feeling grateful to be there. Jasmine, our proctor is so sweet. She watches as we demonstrate our skills and leads us into perfecting our techniques where we require minor adjustments. My hands are affected by arthritis and, as a result, find a few of the moves more challenging. I can do them, with some modifications.
While I was being demo person for Isabelle's presentation, we get a tornado warning for Barrie area on our phones. "Yikes, what do we do?"" Do we need to take shelter somewhere?" Jasmine tells they had a warning one week before as well, and one of the ladies who would be in the next three day trainings had her home destroyed and was living out of bins as her home is being repaired. ( hmmm, really, do we need to take shelter???).
Anyway we contact our partners and make a plan. Hubby is going to get a taxi to Jasmine as she has a cold room we can bunk in if needed. My head is down in the massage table cradle and I can't see what is happening. I am able to peek and see the weather doesn't seem to bad. I do my prayer thing while I'm on the table(yup seems like a great time to get some divine help).
We continue with our session, there was no tornado, and weather improved, thankfully. This threw timing off big time for our return demos. There are typically timed at 2 hours to demo and teach each technique.
Isabelle, passes with ease. Yay! So excited for you Isabelle, you will bless many people with your skills and your big heart.
My turn, I was able to make some adjustments as I was able to be there for Isabelle, presentation. I was nervous though as we were now late and I had never been in an area with a tornado warning before. Hubby has arrived and is sitting on the sofa waiting for my demo completion.
Jasmine agreed that Vibration and Chromatic Raindrop would be great options for me as my hands struggle with a couple techniques. She said I would be able to take the classes she was offering the next three days. Yay!. I was hoping I would be able to since I was already there and instead of making another trip.
We continue with our session, there was no tornado, and weather improved, thankfully. This threw timing off big time for our return demos. There are typically timed at 2 hours to demo and teach each technique.
Isabelle, passes with ease. Yay! So excited for you Isabelle, you will bless many people with your skills and your big heart.
My turn, I was able to make some adjustments as I was able to be there for Isabelle, presentation. I was nervous though as we were now late and I had never been in an area with a tornado warning before. Hubby has arrived and is sitting on the sofa waiting for my demo completion.
Jasmine agreed that Vibration and Chromatic Raindrop would be great options for me as my hands struggle with a couple techniques. She said I would be able to take the classes she was offering the next three days. Yay!. I was hoping I would be able to since I was already there and instead of making another trip.
And Yes! I successfully completed my return demo as well. I am now Certified as Raindrop Technique Specialist. I now get to complete my online training as a Licensed Spiritual Healer(required by Canada to offer my service for a full fee). 
If you have not heard of or experienced Raindrop Technique, I invite you to do a little research. Essential OIls are dropped like rain onto your back and anointed on you with feathering like strokes. Vitaflex is used to anoint your feet and apply oils there first. The technique is very relaxing and many of my receivers drift off to sleep near the end.
Are you local and Ready to book your session? you can do so here!

If you have not heard of or experienced Raindrop Technique, I invite you to do a little research. Essential OIls are dropped like rain onto your back and anointed on you with feathering like strokes. Vitaflex is used to anoint your feet and apply oils there first. The technique is very relaxing and many of my receivers drift off to sleep near the end.
Are you local and Ready to book your session? you can do so here!
Benefits vary widely from person to person.
What will your experience be?
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG