Tell me, has this happened to you?
Your day is going along just great, things are flowing with ease, you are feeling successful and in a great mood and then it happens...
Something happens to mess that all up! Your mood instantly changes, you get defensive or offended.
What happened? Why did this happen?
Your day is going along just great, things are flowing with ease, you are feeling successful and in a great mood and then it happens...
Something happens to mess that all up! Your mood instantly changes, you get defensive or offended.
What happened? Why did this happen?
This is called a TRIGGER POINT. What is a trigger point you may ask. Well it is a point in time where your emotions and physical body say "Hey, we have been here before and this did not go so well."
We remember we created a story to cope with this situation. This story may actually not be serving us well. In fact, it is just made up because we did not process the situation in the moment. Then just like a file on a computer it got stored somewhere in our body system to deal with later.
In comes our TRIGGER POINT. This is our body's way of saying "Hey, are we able to process this now?"
This happened to me recently when my 15 year old son decided to move in with his dad. Previously, my three older girls had done the same thing and I felt devastated. I still felt devastated, except this time I recognized my trigger, I chose to take action and process my trigger and now no longer feel triggered when I share with family about my son's choice. I mean, this stuff is powerful. I went from crying and anger to calm and clear in just two rounds of and AFT process.
In comes our TRIGGER POINT. This is our body's way of saying "Hey, are we able to process this now?"
This happened to me recently when my 15 year old son decided to move in with his dad. Previously, my three older girls had done the same thing and I felt devastated. I still felt devastated, except this time I recognized my trigger, I chose to take action and process my trigger and now no longer feel triggered when I share with family about my son's choice. I mean, this stuff is powerful. I went from crying and anger to calm and clear in just two rounds of and AFT process.
When we can recognize this is what is happening, then we can process it and create our new story or program that does serve us well.
So that is NUMBER 1, recognize your triggering situation. You can deal with it right then and there or make a note, on paper or in your phone, but make a note somewhere.
So that is NUMBER 1, recognize your triggering situation. You can deal with it right then and there or make a note, on paper or in your phone, but make a note somewhere.
Now that your are aware of your trigger the next step is to use a process or tool to help you reconcile your thoughts and feelings about your trigger.
Some tools I use are Aroma Freedom techniques ( these are my quickest tools for permanent results). Journaling, another great tool, however this takes more effort and time for me, and I enjoy quick and easy solutions. Another option is writing a letter to the person, vent it all out on paper, offering forgiveness and even forgive yourself, then destroy your letter in a safe and permanent way(paper shredder, woodstove, etc.) NEVER give this letter to the person. This is for your eyes only! Another one that is great if you love nature, tell your situation to a tree, a big strong tree. Nature is so healing.
Some tools I use are Aroma Freedom techniques ( these are my quickest tools for permanent results). Journaling, another great tool, however this takes more effort and time for me, and I enjoy quick and easy solutions. Another option is writing a letter to the person, vent it all out on paper, offering forgiveness and even forgive yourself, then destroy your letter in a safe and permanent way(paper shredder, woodstove, etc.) NEVER give this letter to the person. This is for your eyes only! Another one that is great if you love nature, tell your situation to a tree, a big strong tree. Nature is so healing.
So NUMBER 2, process your trigger point.
Now notice if you still have any emotional charge when you think about your triggering situation?
If there is still a charge, repeat step 2, there may be something you have missed processing.
If there is still a charge, repeat step 2, there may be something you have missed processing.
and the final step, NUMBER 3 is to create your new program, your new story. This looks a lot like an affirmation or decree. Generally they start with I AM statements, the keys being they are present tense. first person and personal.
If you require help processing your trigger points, you can choose to book a one on one session with me here.
I quickly and easily help you move through your triggers and into your new stories with grace and ease.
Voting your victory in overcoming your triggers, so your days and full of grace and ease!
If you require help processing your trigger points, you can choose to book a one on one session with me here.
I quickly and easily help you move through your triggers and into your new stories with grace and ease.
Voting your victory in overcoming your triggers, so your days and full of grace and ease!
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D. Gary Young's BLOG
During my recent #gospelstudy I had a really cool realization.
I have been waking up before my family for quite a few years now. Since 2016. I used to be a night owl. I loved staying up late and sleeping in. So when I first received my prompting to wake up BEFORE my family, I was not on board. In fact I think I remember saying out loud “I don’t think so” . My rationale ~ I was finally going to be able to sleep in and extra ½ hour and now God( my Higher Power) was asking me to wake up earlier than I previously was getting up. I resisted for quite a while, however the prompting kept coming. I finally listened, almost as if I was agreeing to TEST in out, and prove Him wrong.
I can now say I am so grateful, because my morning devotional time has become my most favorite time of my day. I receive so many gold nuggets of wisdom. I have improved my connection to my God and I feel more confident in what I share with my world, because I know I can back it up with gospel refences.
I have been using a guided journal for most of this time and have adjusted and refined my process into a very specific process and this past year I was prompted into creating my guided journal Putting On MY Armor of God.
In today’s devotional time I was reading about Noah after the flood. So my "ah ha" was this. First, Adam and Eve were "Blessed"(not commanded) to multiply and replenish the earth. Noah was also given the same blessings and added into "bring forth abundantly".
I have been waking up before my family for quite a few years now. Since 2016. I used to be a night owl. I loved staying up late and sleeping in. So when I first received my prompting to wake up BEFORE my family, I was not on board. In fact I think I remember saying out loud “I don’t think so” . My rationale ~ I was finally going to be able to sleep in and extra ½ hour and now God( my Higher Power) was asking me to wake up earlier than I previously was getting up. I resisted for quite a while, however the prompting kept coming. I finally listened, almost as if I was agreeing to TEST in out, and prove Him wrong.
I can now say I am so grateful, because my morning devotional time has become my most favorite time of my day. I receive so many gold nuggets of wisdom. I have improved my connection to my God and I feel more confident in what I share with my world, because I know I can back it up with gospel refences.
I have been using a guided journal for most of this time and have adjusted and refined my process into a very specific process and this past year I was prompted into creating my guided journal Putting On MY Armor of God.
In today’s devotional time I was reading about Noah after the flood. So my "ah ha" was this. First, Adam and Eve were "Blessed"(not commanded) to multiply and replenish the earth. Noah was also given the same blessings and added into "bring forth abundantly".

Now growing up my understanding I was only ever taught this meant to “have children” however today I realized this also means in any area of our life.
Multiply, Replenish and Bring Forth Abundantly. WOW! You mean I can multiply my results? Yes! So How can I multiply my results? I can share with others! I am amplifying and multiplying my results by sharing my "ah ha's" with you.
How can I replenish? Well, when I use up something(any resource) I can replace it, plant new, repair it. recycle it. OOHHH I love this. Imaging if for every tree cut down and used one was planted, or multiply that and plant 2 or 3. Yes Please!
Bring forth abundantly, how can I do this? When I plant a seed, I receive multiple fruit. When a Share my blessings with others, when I create art, when teach another, Yes Please!
I hope this has somehow blessed you! Have a great day!
Bring forth abundantly, how can I do this? When I plant a seed, I receive multiple fruit. When a Share my blessings with others, when I create art, when teach another, Yes Please!
I hope this has somehow blessed you! Have a great day!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

Whether you believe in the power of prayer and prayers being answered is your choice.
I have received too many answers to my personal prayers to not believe.
I however get super excited when my family members have their own spiritual experiences and have theirs answered.
I have sometimes felt alone in my faith. I was the only active member in my family for a long time. Last November my husband decided to join (well he was baptized in November) as well. He made the decision a few months prior.
Well, the other day he misplaced the cover to the battery post for our truck. He has a brain injury, and it can make him either very forgetful OR super hyper focused on something. He was super hyper focused on losing this item. I went to help him search for it yesterday, knowing he often lays things down in random places and "loses" them as a result. I could not find it either.
So today he was looking again, and he decided to pray. He then reopened the truck hood and there was the cover. He was so grateful and thanked Heavenly Father right away.
Now I don't know exactly how many times he looked there previously but I'm sure it was multiple times and I looked there as well, in and around and under. Neither of us could previously find it.
Well, he opened the hood one more time and lo and behold there it was!
I have sometimes felt alone in my faith. I was the only active member in my family for a long time. Last November my husband decided to join (well he was baptized in November) as well. He made the decision a few months prior.
Well, the other day he misplaced the cover to the battery post for our truck. He has a brain injury, and it can make him either very forgetful OR super hyper focused on something. He was super hyper focused on losing this item. I went to help him search for it yesterday, knowing he often lays things down in random places and "loses" them as a result. I could not find it either.
So today he was looking again, and he decided to pray. He then reopened the truck hood and there was the cover. He was so grateful and thanked Heavenly Father right away.
Now I don't know exactly how many times he looked there previously but I'm sure it was multiple times and I looked there as well, in and around and under. Neither of us could previously find it.
Well, he opened the hood one more time and lo and behold there it was!
He has been in aww ever since. I am not sure, but I think this is his first recognition of his prayers being answered. I know he had answered prayers before. He has been in many accidents where his life could have been lost and he is still here, and he attributes this to God and prayers. Yet, this prayer was real and immediately connected for him.
I am so grateful for his experience and him sharing it with me.
For me, those moments are faith builders!
Have you had those? Have you had faith building prayers answered?
I am so grateful for his experience and him sharing it with me.
For me, those moments are faith builders!
Have you had those? Have you had faith building prayers answered?
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG
You know you are familiar with this scenario.
You set a plan to lose a specific amount of weight, you sign up for a membership, you buy a cute outfit or two for working out, you shop for healthier food options and things are going great and then something happens and you quit.
Maybe you were triggered, maybe someone made a rude comment, maybe you hit a plateau, maybe the scales didn't move, or maybe they moved but in the wrong direct. I could go on and on.
Basically it just all seemed TOO MUCH! Too much effort, too much work, too much self control, too much restrictions, just TOO MUCH!
Can you relate?
What if you have been lied to all these years?
What if your size management process was actually fun AND easy?
Check out my PODCAST Activate Your Sense Abilities on Anchor and look for Let Go My CHO. You are going to find this episode very enlightening!
I am joined by my fabulous and enthusiastic co host Chantay Cobb, who has been hosting her room on Clubhouse Ancient Oils of The Bible, in her When Black Girls Meditate Club, since mid-January with her focus on Essential Oils, Breathing and weight loss.
I have been experiencing some huge ah ha's in regards with and we decided it would be fun to do a PODCAST together.
Have I intrigued you for your weight loss journey?
If so check out my PODCAST here.
You set a plan to lose a specific amount of weight, you sign up for a membership, you buy a cute outfit or two for working out, you shop for healthier food options and things are going great and then something happens and you quit.
Maybe you were triggered, maybe someone made a rude comment, maybe you hit a plateau, maybe the scales didn't move, or maybe they moved but in the wrong direct. I could go on and on.
Basically it just all seemed TOO MUCH! Too much effort, too much work, too much self control, too much restrictions, just TOO MUCH!
Can you relate?
What if you have been lied to all these years?
What if your size management process was actually fun AND easy?
Check out my PODCAST Activate Your Sense Abilities on Anchor and look for Let Go My CHO. You are going to find this episode very enlightening!
I am joined by my fabulous and enthusiastic co host Chantay Cobb, who has been hosting her room on Clubhouse Ancient Oils of The Bible, in her When Black Girls Meditate Club, since mid-January with her focus on Essential Oils, Breathing and weight loss.
I have been experiencing some huge ah ha's in regards with and we decided it would be fun to do a PODCAST together.
Have I intrigued you for your weight loss journey?
If so check out my PODCAST here.

PS I let go 14.5" at the time of PODCAST publication
Inspiring your success,
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG
Are you grieving?
Have you experienced loss?
Are you struggling with flowing your emotions during loss?
Today my PODCAST is from a clubhouse adventure as a guest speaker in From Job2Joy. Gabriela Flores invited me as a guest speaker to share how my guided journal, Putting on My Armor of God, could help with processing grief. We were also joined by Tammy Davis who shared how essential oils also help with processing emotions.
You can check out today's PODCAST here. The newest session is always at the top, and older ones are in a list at the bottom. You can also listen on Anchor here, or on Spotify here.
Grief processing is a process, do you flow through? or do you stuff and ignore? Flowing through is healthy and allows you to move on and return to your JOY. Stuffing and ignoring cause your body to store that emotional energy within itself, only to return and return through triggering situations, until you are ready to process. Stuffing may seem like the emotion has gone, however , it is more like it is in "holding" . I great essential oil and simple decree for your grieving heart is Bergamot essential oil and "I AM spontaneous and in my moment", "I AM Divinely comforted"(I love this one), or " I only feel my blessings and love".
I invite you to experiment with these and notice what is shifting for you.
Are you struggling with flowing your emotions during loss?
Today my PODCAST is from a clubhouse adventure as a guest speaker in From Job2Joy. Gabriela Flores invited me as a guest speaker to share how my guided journal, Putting on My Armor of God, could help with processing grief. We were also joined by Tammy Davis who shared how essential oils also help with processing emotions.
You can check out today's PODCAST here. The newest session is always at the top, and older ones are in a list at the bottom. You can also listen on Anchor here, or on Spotify here.
Grief processing is a process, do you flow through? or do you stuff and ignore? Flowing through is healthy and allows you to move on and return to your JOY. Stuffing and ignoring cause your body to store that emotional energy within itself, only to return and return through triggering situations, until you are ready to process. Stuffing may seem like the emotion has gone, however , it is more like it is in "holding" . I great essential oil and simple decree for your grieving heart is Bergamot essential oil and "I AM spontaneous and in my moment", "I AM Divinely comforted"(I love this one), or " I only feel my blessings and love".
I invite you to experiment with these and notice what is shifting for you.

So if Grief is a challenge for you now, go ahead listen in and see if you are able to discover some support as you go through you challenging time.
I love you, and pray for your restoration of your Joy!
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*This e-mail contains affiliate link for which I may receive a payment, thank you!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG