My mornings are my time I spend with my Higher Power, for me that is God.
Today's time brought some really great inspirations about God and goal achievements.
Some may ask " Does God really care about my goals?"
I suggest the answer is most definitely "YES!"
During my devotional time I was reading in Abraham, chapter 3, verses 11-20 and here is what came to me about my goals and God. This may not be in your book of scripture. That's okay, take what resonates for you.
Today's time brought some really great inspirations about God and goal achievements.
Some may ask " Does God really care about my goals?"
I suggest the answer is most definitely "YES!"
During my devotional time I was reading in Abraham, chapter 3, verses 11-20 and here is what came to me about my goals and God. This may not be in your book of scripture. That's okay, take what resonates for you.
1. I can talk to God directly about my goals like I would talk to another person. Abraham talked face to face with God, just as he would another person. A mentor is like this, someone who has reached goals you have yet to achieve and is there for you. Of course, God accomplishes anything He desires to do, so He is the perfect mentor.
2. He (God) shared with Abraham all His creations. This was not to brag or be boastful, it was to show it can be done. So when a mentor is telling you of the goals they have reached, it is not to brag or be boastful, however it is to show you it can be done, they did it, you can too!
3. God multiplies our actions and results. Here God was referring to seed(children through generations) however creation is creation and if God has His hand in it , the actions & results will be multiplied.
4. There is always someone greater. Meaning, no matter where you are on your success and creative journey, there will always be someone to look up to as a mentor, who has reached the goal(s) you are taking action towards, and there will always be those not yet where you are, who you can mentor along the way. We support each other!
5. If it came into our heart, then our emotions are attached to our goal and if our emotions are attached, it is a heart centered righteous goal worthy of our success. If it is a head goal, it is just an idea with no personal connection, however when the heart is involved, there is emotional connection. Our reasons why we desire our goal go up and so does our motivation to reach our goal. Know your reasons why!
6. Satan, the adversary, has no power to stop my goal success, yes he, or others around you, may try. However, angels will deliver us. All we require is asking for their(angels) assistance.
So does God care about our goal success?
Absolutely YES!
So does God care about our goal success?
Absolutely YES!
Happy New Year 2022!
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D. Gary Young's BLOG
If you're anything like me choose one brand from another can seem like "why bother"
I mean, there are definitely times when one brand really doesn't make much of a difference, and then there are times when brand makes ALL the difference!
I admit when I first got into essential oils, brand meant nothing to me, I wasn't even sure what oils did.
Ummmm...hello! Oils are super powerful and quality A.K.A. brand matters here. I have come to understand that not all brands are created equally.
I know price can be a huge consideration for many, however lets consider some other factors.
These oils are going into or on our body in some way, so purity matters. With so many sensitivities developing due to synthetic and harsh compounds in our everyday products, it really pays to take some time to look into the products we choose.
Another thing to consider is Value for investment!
Yes some products cost far less, but perhaps they have been diluted in some way. With the brand I chose, one drop goes a long way. Two drops could be too intense. How many drops do you require to achieve your desired outcome? 3? 5? more?
Another factor, is company transparency.
Can you inquire about testing the company does? the results? what are their quality standards? Where do their oils come from? Do they grow and harvest their own products? What are their production methods? Can you visit the farms ? fields? help plant? help harvest? See inside the facility? their lab? and more
This matters. Check out more at seedtoseal.com
So here is my personal comparison clip I created to explain various quality of oils. See if you can make the connection.
How do you choose your quality essential oils?
Will you now take more consideration before choosing a brand?
I mean, there are definitely times when one brand really doesn't make much of a difference, and then there are times when brand makes ALL the difference!
I admit when I first got into essential oils, brand meant nothing to me, I wasn't even sure what oils did.
Ummmm...hello! Oils are super powerful and quality A.K.A. brand matters here. I have come to understand that not all brands are created equally.
I know price can be a huge consideration for many, however lets consider some other factors.
These oils are going into or on our body in some way, so purity matters. With so many sensitivities developing due to synthetic and harsh compounds in our everyday products, it really pays to take some time to look into the products we choose.
Another thing to consider is Value for investment!
Yes some products cost far less, but perhaps they have been diluted in some way. With the brand I chose, one drop goes a long way. Two drops could be too intense. How many drops do you require to achieve your desired outcome? 3? 5? more?
Another factor, is company transparency.
Can you inquire about testing the company does? the results? what are their quality standards? Where do their oils come from? Do they grow and harvest their own products? What are their production methods? Can you visit the farms ? fields? help plant? help harvest? See inside the facility? their lab? and more
This matters. Check out more at seedtoseal.com
So here is my personal comparison clip I created to explain various quality of oils. See if you can make the connection.
How do you choose your quality essential oils?
Will you now take more consideration before choosing a brand?
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG
Something we have on hand now after Halloween!
So what do you do with the pumpkin remains? Do you just throw everything out?
Hold Up! You can create a yummy treat with the seeds. The pumpkin itself can be used for pies, muffins etc. however I rarely to that as I find it a lot of work. I prefer to do things that are fun and easy.
So after we carved our Halloween Pumpkin, I take time to remove the seeds from the pulp. This used to be really gross for me, and now I find it almost therapeutic.

If you do not have this spice mixture, contact your nearest Epicure consultant today! I think it is a seasonal item, typically available in the fall. I enjoy this as well in homemade oatmeal.
Now stir this all together until the seeds are coated well and evenly.
I then put them on my baking sheet which is lined with a Teflon baking sheet so they doesn't stick to the pan and clean up is easy peasy. If you have not used these, go grab one or two now! I have two and use them for anything baked.
When they are cooled then store them in an air tight container, I nibble some daily!

So why do I love this treat?
Something we have on hand now after Halloween!
So what do you do with the pumpkin remains? Do you just throw everything out?
Hold Up! You can create a yummy treat with the seeds. The pumpkin itself can be used for pies, muffins etc. however I rarely to that as I find it a lot of work. I prefer to do things that are fun and easy.
So after we carved our Halloween Pumpkin, I take time to remove the seeds from the pulp. This used to be really gross for me, and now I find it almost therapeutic.

I tend to only use the full seeds, and that are not matured, I pass them by. Just what I choose to do.
I then rinse then really well under the tap water to clean them.
Then I spread the seed out on paper towel or a clean dish towel, over night to dry.
For my recipe, I use the following ingredients:
1.Pumpkin Seeds
2.Raw Honey
I then rinse then really well under the tap water to clean them.
Then I spread the seed out on paper towel or a clean dish towel, over night to dry.
For my recipe, I use the following ingredients:

2.Raw Honey
3.Epicure Apple Pie Spice
4.Young Living Ginger Essential Oil
I put my seeds in a bowl, then I add the honey. For about a good cup of seeds I used about 1 big tablespoon of honey.

Next I added 1 drop of Ginger essential oil, because of the quality of oils I use I do not require more than one drop, in fact a second drop could be too strong. (Caution, be sure to choose an essential oil the is health Canada approved for ingestion. Many oils are not pure. I personally choose Young Living because of their Seed to Seal guarantee for quality.)

4.Young Living Ginger Essential Oil
I put my seeds in a bowl, then I add the honey. For about a good cup of seeds I used about 1 big tablespoon of honey.

Next I added some Epicure Apple Pie spice, I could have added more of this, was so yummy! Was my first time using and I sprinkled instead of measured so was a guess for how much to use. I used about 1/2tsp.

If you do not have this spice mixture, contact your nearest Epicure consultant today! I think it is a seasonal item, typically available in the fall. I enjoy this as well in homemade oatmeal.
Now stir this all together until the seeds are coated well and evenly.

Preheat your oven to 400' and then pop your baking sheet in the over. I like to set my timer for 10 minute intervals so I can toss the seeds around for even baking. I did this two time and then decided on another 5 minutes with over then turned off and the heat from just in the oven.

As you can see then get a lovely golden color and they taste delicious. They are crunchy and not too hard.
When they are cooled then store them in an air tight container, I nibble some daily!

So why do I love this treat?
1. they are yummy, crunchy and sweet
2. They are packed with valuable nutrients
- Fiber: 1.7 grams
- Carbs: 5 grams
- Protein: 7 grams
- Fat: 13 grams (6 of which are omega-6s)
- Vitamin K: 18% of the RDI
- Phosphorus: 33% of the RDI
- Manganese: 42% of the RDI
- Magnesium: 37% of the RDI
- Iron: 23% of the RDI
- Zinc: 14% of the RDI
- Copper: 19% of the RDI
3. They are high in antioxidants
4.Shown to improve prostrate and bladder health
5. High in Magnesium
6. High in Fiber
7. May improve sleep
another reason I use pumpkin seeds is ...
- Pumpkin seeds have long been used as a traditional remedy for intestinal parasites — especially tapeworms. And their popularity seems to be well-earned. The reaction is believed to be caused by an amino acid in the seeds called cucurbitacin.
Growing up my family did regular parasitic cleanses in spring, however over the years has left this practice go to the side.
I choose to add these in just in case! Not sure if the amount I eat has any effect, however I am enjoying them anyway!
Do you roast your pumpkin seeds?
I choose to add these in just in case! Not sure if the amount I eat has any effect, however I am enjoying them anyway!
Do you roast your pumpkin seeds?
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D. Gary Young's BLOG

I am a person who does some things on a whim, spur of the moment, and other things I meticulously plan out.
As I go through my self improvement journey, I have been doing many things that our new to me. My newest adventure has been writing a book...well actually THREE books!
It has been on my bucket list, however never made it to my vision board. The things one my vision board are the things I am focused on right now! The ones that gets some daily attention, the ones I take steps to achieve. So, when the idea came to create my first book, it took me by surprise.
I co-host a morning Aroma Reset room on clubhouse with several other Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioners. We do this daily rotating mornings. I was not the host this particular morning, so I was able to flow through the reset. The first room cleared what was up for me (we do in two separate rooms, one right after the other) and in the second room nothing else was up for me to clear. As I flowed through the process, I received this incredible download that I should create a journal and everything that it should include. I took all my inspirations down immediately into my current journal (one I have been using for just over a year). Once the room was complete, I went right to play at creating my journal. I used a fabulous online FREE resource and had my journal together in four just days!

My journal is designed to empower you. You rate how empowered you feel at the beginning and again at the end. This allows you to see how powerful this tool is as you can feel and see the results immediately!
I include prayer, gratitude, forgiveness, questions, scriptures or other motivational reading or listening, a place for your inspirations, revelations and ah ha's. Also included is a place for action steps and my personal favorite- essential oils and decrees!
Ok, so my story doesn't end here...
The process was so easy, I decided to create a course to help others get published. That's right! I then thought maybe others would appreciate this information too and received confirmation after doing an AFT session with a fellow practitioner-thanks Tania!
In my course I break the steps down into short videos, most under 5 minutes, with an over my shoulder view of the process. During the creation of my book, I was stuck on one thing when I created my book and purchased a much more expensive course, which did not answer my question. The course does have valuable information, however was not what I required to complete my publication of my book. I continued to research and found my answer. I have this all included in my course From Canva to KDP, which you can grab here, if publishing a book is on your list!

During the creation of my course I created my second published book another smaller guided journal, this one is for a 100 day Gratitude challenge focusing on daily gratitude and prayer. I plan to launch my challenge early in the new year!

My story is almost complete!
Just a couple of Sunday's ago, I did another clearing and was inspired with a children's book. This is a way to help children process their emotions through an Aroma Reset visually. Again the creation was super fast I started as soon as inspiration came. I had the book complete in the morning. Later in the day I had an idea for one more layout and added that. I then published and it went through early Monday. Typically a book takes 72 hours to go through the review process, this one however went live early Monday evening, before my Gratitude journal went live!

So who knew I would be a published author? I feel amazing being able to hold books I wrote and published in my hands.
Just a couple of Sunday's ago, I did another clearing and was inspired with a children's book. This is a way to help children process their emotions through an Aroma Reset visually. Again the creation was super fast I started as soon as inspiration came. I had the book complete in the morning. Later in the day I had an idea for one more layout and added that. I then published and it went through early Monday. Typically a book takes 72 hours to go through the review process, this one however went live early Monday evening, before my Gratitude journal went live!

So who knew I would be a published author? I feel amazing being able to hold books I wrote and published in my hands.
If you stuck around to the end of this long post, thanks, you rock! You are my people! You get inspired because other take action and succeed.
What are you now inspired to take action on? Do you have a book you would like to get published?
I can help with that!
Maybe you would like to grab a copy of one, or maybe all of my books- you can check out how here.
What are you now inspired to take action on? Do you have a book you would like to get published?
I can help with that!
Maybe you would like to grab a copy of one, or maybe all of my books- you can check out how here.
Have a great day!
Feel empowered everyday!
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG

Writing a book has been a goal of mine, however not an I’m writing one today kind of goal. More like a one day kind of goal.
Exactly one month ago today I was participating in an Aroma Reset on Clubhouse hosted by my friend and fellow Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner, Dee Castelli. Typically the room does two flow throughs, one reset in one club and then again in another room in another club. I cleared out what was up for me that morning in the first room, and if I remember correctly I was forgiving a person I had some tension with. This cleared all that was up for me this morning. In fact I was so clear, in the following room, I was able to receive all I required for me to write my first book. I wrote all my inspirations down in my daily journal, which is so interesting, as my download was for a daily journal which included all my things I add in to my morning journaling routine.
My previous journal has been a lovely journal and has helped me enjoy and develop my daily habit of journaling. Up until journaling using this particular format, I was previously never able to stick to journaling.
The idea of having to document the details of my day was overwhelming for me. I would attempt and end up with pages for just one day. I would only ever do one or two days and then give up for months or even years before attempting again.
About two years ago I came across my previously current journal and used almost every single day. So I went from rarely journaling, to rarely missing journal simply because of the process I used.
My new method included prayer, gratitude, asking questions and scripture reading and then writing ideas.
I always added in essential oils, decrees and occasionally action steps. My download has me upgrading and has added a few more things. I took my notes from my morning reset and set out creating my book. Everything flowed with ease. I was enjoying every second. I however had no idea what I was doing. I had never written a book before.
I completed my basis for my journal in just four days!!!
Now what, how do I get this published? I searched my online group for women running businesses from home and creating multiple income streams. Ah ha, KDP was a self publisher. I soon found out I had lots of adjustments and fine tuning for my book. I did not let this deter me. In fact I am grateful, I made so many upgrades for my book which I am very pleased with.
So after many attempt to publish, to get my own ISBN number, and other experiences, my book just went live and for sale!
Oh and if you have tried journaling your daily story and that has not worked for you, perhaps my journal will be a solution for you as well, if you have desired to keep a journal.
You can grab your copy here…Get Your Copy Here!
Thank you for celebrating with me!
Woo Hoo! I Am A Published Author
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I am have a number of affiliates and by clicking the link(s) in my posts, I may receive an income from your doing so, thank you for your support!
D. Gary Young's BLOG